Seal Symbolism, Seal Animal Totem
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Natural Stress Remedies

Seal Symbolism, Crystals, Herbs, and Essential Oils that Relieve Stress

I’ve been dealing with a bit of high blood pressure and would love to get off medications. Obviously, I’d never do that without my doctor agreeing that it’s a good idea. This goal has inspired me to keep a closer eye on my blood pressure and to see what types of things might help. I’ve tried meditation, yoga, diffusing oils, breathing exercises, and cutting out processed foods and sugars. I’ve noticed that when I’m stressed or anxious, it tends to rise.

This week I’m exploring a few more things to add to my recipe for stress-relief in hopes that I can find ways to reduce my blood pressure.

Reduce Stress by Examining Your Beliefs

First, I’m looking at my beliefs. My beliefs, obviously, play a role in what I find stressful. If I think things should go a certain way and they don’t, I’m more likely to experience stress, for example. If I feel like it’s my job to control too many things, I get stressed. If I get too anxious or stressed, I can’t shut off my mind at night. I wake up and start mind-spinning on everything I have to do or on life concerns. Not getting enough sleep also contributes to high blood pressure. Here are a few affirmations I came up with to reduce stress:

  • I am connected to the sweetness of life.
  • I savor the beautify of my world.
  • I sleep soundly and peacefully.
  • I breathe deeply the joy and fullness of life.
  • I have excellent oxygen levels throughout my body and brain.
  • My body optimally regulates hormones throughout my body.
  • I easily distinguish what is within my control and what is not.
  • I allow people and situations to be what they are and accept what is.
  • I am more than my emotions.
  • My conscious mind and my subconscious minds are in harmony and communicate well with each other to create harmony in my mind, body and soul.
  • I love myself and express my true self freely.
  • I have excellent discernment.

Seal Animal Totem Inspired Affirmations

To find more affirmations, I decided to look to nature. What animal is connected to reducing stress? My research led me to the Seal. Seals are playful. They let things roll off their backs. They adapt with the ever-changing tides. They flow with the rhythm of the waves.

  • I embrace my inner child
  • I let go of the fear of the unknown
  • I am aware of my internal rhythms and the rhythms of the world around me and bring them both into harmony.
  • I easily adjust to new circumstances and conditions
  • I remain comfortable even when the ever-changing tides of life shift around me.
  • I am playful and allow humor to feed my soul.
  • I find happiness every day of my life.
  • I am energetic, enthusiastic and embrace adventure.
  • I am lighthearted and inspirational.
  • I see and am open to the doors of opportunity and intuitively follow the opportunities that are right for me.
  • I am emotionally protected and let negative conditions roll off my back.
  • I have a clear head and make empowered decisions.
  • I can go with the flow and know when to release myself to the waves and discover where it takes me mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
  • I am connected to my dreams, visions, purpose and the ideas that move them forward.
  • I am true to myself and navigate life with ease.
  • I easily release anxiety and stress.

Herbal Tea with Herbs and Native Plants

Lemon Balm

I love essential oils and I like to find native plants and herbs on our property that have healing properties. My husband planted some lemon balm a few years ago that keeps coming back. Some studies have shown that lemon balm relaxes us and alleviates stress. Creating a tea from it is a great idea. I just crush/tear the lemon balm leaves, put them in a cup and pour boiling water over the leaves and let it steep for about 10 minutes.


Another things I like to add with the lemon balm is crossvine leaves. Crossvines grow all over our property. Don’t confuse them with trumpet vines. They are different. The photo here shows them in bloom. I usually gather the leaves in fall and winter after the blooms are gone. Crossvine leaves are long, slender and sort of wrap upward along the center vein. they are easy to spot in winter once you know what they look like. I break 1-2 leaves into my lemon balm tea and add a bit of honey or agave. Their active ingredient is reserpine. Be sure to research crossvines thoroughly and look at any warnings that may apply. For example, you want to be careful with crossvine if you’re taking high blood pressure medicine or any form of antipsychotic.

“Reserpine is considered an antipsychotic and antihypertensive drug which has been used in controlling high blood pressure and relieving psychotic symptoms because of its calming, nearly sedative effect.  One randomized placebo-controlled study even revealed reserpine as an effective antidepressant.  It should be noted that reserpine passes into breast milk and so should be avoided in women who are nursing.  Furthermore, use should be avoided if you already have low blood pressure or if you are currently using blood pressure or anti-psychotic drugs as they may interact.”

Learn more about crossvine here.

Diffuse Essential Oils

There are four essential oils that I’ve researched that supposedly reduce blood pressure. There was a study done on combining marjorum, lemon, ylang ylang and lavender essential oils and diffusing them. These four diffused together are reported to help reduce blood pressure.

Crystals for High Blood Pressure

Some people believe that crystals release a frequency that can help us heal. A few crystals that are believed to help with blood pressure or stress are amethyst, bloodstone, black tourmaline, green aventurine, labradorite, kyanite, malachite, and sodalite, among others. I already had three of these in my rock and crystal collection. So I have been putting a little pouch around my neck that has amethyst, green aventurine and kyanite crystals in it. I also have these crystals in my work space. Click here to learn more about crystals for high blood pressure.


I’m a big believer in the power of music therapy. King Saul often brought David in to play the harp and sing for him to quiet his demons. Obviously, King Saul had a problem with anxious and stressful thoughts. Music soothed his soul. I love to create soothing music … playing and listening to it brings down my stress, anxiety and blood pressure.

Here’s a video I put together that recaps what I’ve talked about here. I’ve also utilized SimplyALIGN techniques to infuse this video with stress relieving and calming affirmations and energy shifting. Try watching and listening and let me know if it calms you and/or brings relief.

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Booking a private SimplyAlign™ session is a great way to get down to the root cause of your stress and anxiety and release what’s causing your problems. For more information on working with me, click here.

Disclaimer: Consult a physician if you have high blood pressure. These suggestions are given as things to try that could supplement traditional medicine. Use common sense and research any of these suggestions to see if they are right for you.

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