Marnie Pehrson Kuhns -

Finally Follow Through on Inspiration and
Create the Life and Legacy You Were Born to Create!

  • Do you feel called to make a difference in people’s lives or to create something?
  • Perhaps there’s a re-occurring idea that won’t leave you alone.
  • Does following through on the idea seem daunting?
  • Is your progress slow or stalled?
Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

I’m Marnie Pehrson Kuhns. Many people I work with feel called to do something, but life keeps getting in the way. Or they may feel overwhelmed by the necessary steps to make their dreams a reality. For example, perhaps you heard God tell you to “write a book,” but you aren’t even sure what you’d write about. Or maybe you have a topic, but don’t know how to begin. Or perhaps you’re worried that if you invest the time to write a book, you won’t be able to get it published; or if you do, no one will read it.

Why People Struggle with Creativity

Creating requires vulnerability. It usually requires not knowing all the steps and yet stepping into the darkness and acting anyway. Following through on inspired ideas requires trusting that somehow, someway, it’s all going to fall into place. Because creativity is such a personal expression of who we are deep inside, rejection of our creations … or the thought that our creations could be rejected… can stop us cold in our tracks.

It’s easier to keep delaying the process than it is to invest the time and energy and potentially have your creations rejected by the very people you were creating it for! Talk about an ego-battering!

Access Your Core Sacred Self to Unleash Your Creativity

When we tap into our Core Sacred Selves – that eternal part of ourselves that is wise, loving, non-judgmental, and which has access to the resources of eternity – creation moves out of ego mind and into the soul. What we create becomes an expression of God in the world.

Nature Is Modeling Creativity

We are made in God’s image. Born creators! This means that the best way to learn how to create is from our Creator. We do that by immersing ourselves in His creations – namely Nature!

All of creation is teaching us about how to be, how to create, how to express, and how to live in happiness and harmony. Through nature, we learn about our creative cycles, about collaboration, the law of gestation, the power of process, and the manifesting power of intention.

What You’ll Find on

At I focus on blog posts, courses and group mentoring that helps you learn from nature’s parables so you can be a more effective, inspired, and peaceful creator.

Working with Me

I offer coaching and spiritual/emotional support and accountability for iNtuitives (Meyers-Briggs NT’s/NF’s). I teach them how to accept and work with their creative style, align with the Divine, and move past their internal fears/limiting beliefs so they can put their inspired ideas into action.

I do this in group classes and mentoring groups and in private sessions where I come alongside you and coach you through the process of understanding how God designed you to create, quieting your mind, getting still enough to hear the Divine, and tapping into the wisdom of your Core Sacred Self and the Divine.

Once you’re operating from your Core Sacred Self™ and aligned with the Divine, you’ll access infinite creative power that can help you discover what you’re here to do and be, create the things you’re here to create, and share your brilliance with the people you’re here to serve.

Interested? Let’s talk!

Or click here to learn about myiNtuitive Momentum Circles.” This is a training, accountability and coaching program especially for iNtuitives who are ready to transform their big ideas into reality.

Discover the Incredible Link Between Inner Peace and Creatively Manifesting Your Dreams and Aspirations. Watch this video:

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Finding Peace in a Turbulent World

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“Yes! If you are someone who is needing some help getting your creation into organization so you can bring it to fruition, please contact Marnie. She is amazing! I love her.” 

Cytel Schults

Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature book, Living in Sacred Nature Journal/Planner and affirmation card deck.

“Finding Peace in a Turbulent World”
Click here for details on the book, journal, affirmation card deck and free course.

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Certified SimplyALIGN™ Practitioner

I have been a Certified SimplyALIGN™ Practitioner since 2011. SimplyALIGN™ is a non-invasive way of bringing you into alignment with your Core Divine Self. It helps you release past trauma, limiting beliefs and clear misperceptions that keep you from singing your Soul’s Song clearly and harmoniously. I utilize the concepts and tools I’ve learned as a practitioner and weave them into how I create healing music, consult clients, and understand nature.

If you’re ready to find more peace, joy and passion in your life, let’s talk and explore your next best steps!