Narwhal spirit animal, Narwhal animal totem

Narwhal Animal Totem

What the Narwhal Can Teach Us

We were watching Elf a couple years ago and my husband started mimicking the funny whale with the unicorn horn. “Bye, Buddy! I hope you find your dad!” This led to a conversation about the horned whale in the movie. For the first time in my 50+ years of living, I discovered this horned creature is a real thing! I thought it was only fictional in Elf, but my husband insisted that this creature does indeed exist … after I did an internet search to fact check it! (Poor, Dave. I’m always fact checking him!) It’s called a Narwhal (or Narwhale).

Switching Quantum Universes

Obviously, I switched Quantum Universes because the universe I came from didn’t have narwhals, where this new alternate universe does! Since that time, it’s been a standing joke between us. If something new shows up in my world that I was heretofore unaware of, I say I’ve swapped quantum universes again … like with the narwhal.

Earlier this year, we were perusing a Big Lots’ closeout sale and spotted the cutest little blue plush narwhal. My husband snapped it up and bought it for me.

What Narwhals Represent

To me, the narwhal represents unknown possibilities, alternate universes, something magical.

This week as I decided to bring my stuffed narwhal from my bedroom dresser to my office desk, I decided to look up the spirit meaning of narwhals. According to, the Narwhal reminds us to, “Poke holes in your reality and expand your understanding of the universe” I love that!

According to the site, narwhals remind us to avoid laziness, get busy, and not to choose a career because there’s money in it. Follow your dreams. Choose something you’re passionate about and that fits your personality. That’s a great reminder for me (and for a lot of our clients). After years of monetizing everything for survival, it’s a constant internal battle to follow my bliss and not lean on the skills or talents that I think are easiest to monetize.

For example, I have 30+ years of tech background. It serves me well in my own pursuits, but sometimes I get drawn into doing too much tech work for others instead of following my own passions for writing, music, nature, and creativity. As I’ve opened this Creation Girl site this week, I’m realizing this is definitely a narwhal move for me! It’s no coincidence I felt inspired to bring my stuffed narwhal to a prominent position in my office. I didn’t even know what he symbolized at the time, but something in my soul obviously did!

Speaking of creativity, Narwhals are a great symbol of creativity. I mean, really, what kind of creative mood was God in when he decided to put a unicorn on a whale?! He really must have a sense of humor.

Narwhal’s travel in groups, so they are team players who know how to lean on each other. This is another great reminder for me because in the last few weeks I’ve been acting like it’s all on me when my husband and God are more than willing and able to help.

Narwhal Animal Totem Affirmations

Here are a few affirmations I came up with for the Narwhal Animal Totem:

  • I move into action.
  • I am connected to and follow my passion, purpose and mission.
  • I team up with others in a healthy way.
  • I ask for help when I need it from others.
  • I value the people in my life and respect them for who they are and their uniqueness.
  • I embrace my own uniqueness.
  • I attract supportive relationship and friendships.
  • I am creative and am fully connected to my creative expression.
  • I open my mind to possibilities.
  • I’m willing to poke holes in my reality to see new possibilities in the universe.
  • I embrace who I am and accept myself.
  • Magic is everywhere and I rejoice in the magical moments of my life.

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