The Light Within
Within each human heart is a divine spark, forged in the eternal light of God. This light connects us to all of nature, and to each other. In this light we are all one and are one with all things because this light infuses all things, gives light to all things, and gives life to all things. When we slow down, be still, and listen, we discover that our true self (our divine heart) is at peace. It knows that everything is going to be okay because with God’s illuminating power within us, all is well.

If you are having trouble feeling that peace, center yourself with the Source of all light, truth, and peace. Spend time daily connecting your heart to God’s heart, your will to God’s will, and your actions and words to His action and words. Study about Him and pray for His peace and direction. Allow whatever isn’t light to drop out of your life. Soon you will find yourself feeling exquisite love, purpose, and illumination. With God, all things are possible.
I took the photo above inside our cedar circle (cedars in the south are actually junipers). Native Americans believed that cedar circles were sacred and healing and connected us with the ancestors. I love doing my morning meditations in the cedar circle and watching God’s light filter through the trees.
Cedar Circle Tour
The following is a short video I shot walking into our cedar circle. In my meditation this morning, I focused on the lighting and the moss growing on the rocks. Isn’t it remarkable how life always finds a way? The green moss growing in the crevices of the rock were so soft. For a time, I could imagine myself as a tiny person walking on this rock and seeing the stacked rocks as giant boulders with lush green around them. Changing perspectives and seeing things through the eyes of a child can connect us with our inner bliss so we feel God’s presence more.
Learn more about living a Spirit-Led Life in “Trust Your Heart: Spirit-Led Business” available for FREE on Kindle Unlimited and also in paperback on Amazon.