How to Receive Solutions You’re Not Seeing
What if everything you need or desire is in your environment, but you’re not seeing or receiving it because you don’t expect to or believe that it’s possible?
I’ve been reading “How to Do Magic that Works: The Ultimate Technique for Making Things Happen” by Genevieve Davis. I read for about an hour before going to a hair appointment this morning in Lafayette, Georgia. I’ve been going to my hair stylist, Jackie, for over a decade and she’s the only reason I ever go to Lafayette.
While waiting on Jackie to call me back, I read more of Genevieve Davis’ book. My wheels were turning as I sat in the styling chair, getting highlights. One of the other girls who works there came over and asked Jackie what she’d like for lunch. Jackie debated between a healthy salad or the slice of pizza she really craved. Finally, she settled on the healthy choice and told me the place across the street had excellent salads. I couldn’t recall seeing a restaurant there, so I asked her the name of the place.
Jackie answered, “Crushed Tomato.” Even though Jackie’s been cutting hair at this location for almost a decade, I never noticed the Crushed Tomato. It’s literally 300 feet away. I chuckled and said, “It’s amazing what you don’t see when you aren’t looking for it. I’ve been so intent on getting to my hair appointments that I never noticed the Crushed Tomato.”

As soon as I said it, I thought of Davis’ book. An epiphany began forming. The author talks about how we are all generating our own reality. She makes quite a case for it, even using Quantum Physics as evidence. Davis explains that in any moment we have the ability to generate our reality from infinite possibilities by our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. We can go along creating on autopilot, or we can intentionally choose to control the thoughts, feelings, words, and actions that are within our control.
Basically, we choose to look for the good in what is and begin looking for even the smallest evidences of the things we desire to feel, experience, and have in the NOW. Those who have known me for years, might be familiar with my S.A.M. Experiment – S.A.M. stands for Spot a Mercy. I used to keep a list of how I wanted to be treated by others. When someone treated me that way, I called it a S.A.M. moment – I’d Spotted A Mercy. Davis’ suggestion to keep a small “evidences” notepad with you at all times and to note the smallest evidences of your desires appearing in your world, seemed very similar.
“Act, speak, think, and feel, as if what we want to experience is already here. Not in the future. Not somewhere else. But already here. Now!”
Genevieve Davis, Chapter 15 of “How to Do Magic that Works: The Ultimate Technique for Making Things Happen”
All morning I’d been pondering on her words (even before I sat down with Jackie). My sudden awareness to being oblivious to the Crushed Tomato initiated a clear train of thought:
“What if everything I want, desire, or need is already around me in my environment, and I’m not receiving it because I don’t expect it to be there? What if because I don’t expect it or believe it’s there, I don’t look? Because I don’t look, I don’t see. Because I don’t believe, I don’t choose it. Infinite options are available to me in any moment, and I filter them through my focus, beliefs, expectations, choices, and actions. What am I filtering out?”
This train of thought made me see Christ’s words, “Anything is possible for those who believe” and “ask and ye shall receive” in a whole new way.
If what we generate is fueled by what we believe and we change our beliefs, we change our reality. If we aren’t asking, we may never receive what is right there in our environment. I never asked about somewhere to eat when I went to the hairdresser, so I never received an awareness of the Crushed Tomato.
My Experience with Genevieve Davis’ Books and the Laws of Manifestation and Awareness
I’ve read several of Genevieve Davis’ books besides “How to Do Magic that Works: The Ultimate Technique for Making Things Happen,” including “Magic Words and How to Use Them” and “Becoming Genevieve.” As a long-time student of Leslie Householder’s work on the laws of thought, I enjoy Davis’ whimsical “magic” angle on manifestation and attraction as another way to explain things.
Her book, “Becoming Genevieve” actually set me on the path to studying awareness, enlightenment, and the peace that surpasses understanding. She mentions Jack Pransky’s work, so I checked into that, which led me on to Sydney Banks’ Enlightened Gardener. Based on my reading, Kindle recommended Jeffery Martin’s work, which has been a big part of my personal path to inner peace.
When I got an email from Genevieve Davis that her new book was out, I put it on my reading list. It’s a short book and an easy read. It builds on her “Magic Words and How to Use Them” book, and I’m gleaning some new insights which build on what I’ve learned from Leslie Householder and Genevieve Davis.
Her “look for the good, avoid complaining, and accept what is” philosophy dovetails well with my “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” book, journal/planner and card deck.