Books by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

Essays, Books and Musings

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is the author of thousands of essays and 31+ books. About half of her books are fiction and the other half non-fiction inspirational and/or business. Marnie has run a home-based business since 1990. Her goal is to write 100 books before she leaves this planet. She’ll be sharing a lot of excerpts and thoughts from both her published books and those that are in progress here as well as other essays and writings.

  • Embrace Your Core Sacred Self™: Finding Peace Amidst Life’s Chaos
    In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get swept away by worries, fear, or the weight of our past mistakes. Yet within each of us lies a profound source of peace and strength: the Core Sacred Self™. This concept is deeply explored in my book, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature,”…
  • A Nostalgic Journey Through Time with The Magnolia Letters
    I have been enjoying the absolute pleasure of experiencing The Magnolia Letters, and it’s nothing short of extraordinary. This unique storytelling experience transports me back to an era I hold dear, filling me with nostalgia and joy, remembering the stories my great aunt Thadda used to tell me about the Great Depression era. Beautifully Crafted Letters: The…
  • Do You Crave Miracles for Yourself and Those You Love?
    Have you ever wanted good things for your loved ones more than they wanted them for themselves? It can be heartbreaking watching loved ones suffer or make self-destructive choices. God’s prime directive is agency (freedom to choose). All individuals must desire and choose better outcomes for themselves, and we have to respect their agency … even…
  • Simple 3-Step Formula for Retaining Your Epiphanies
    Would you like to receive more answers from God, glean more from your epiphany and joy moments, and recall them when you need them? Have you ever had an aha moment, a deep insight, or a moment of pure joy where you learned something new? It felt revolutionary in the moment, something that could change…
  • Are You an Inspired Creative?
    Inspired Creatives are the pollinators of the world – they flit about exploring possibilities and bring life, joy, and beauty wherever they go. They may think they aren’t “doing” or “accomplishing” anything, but with some acceptance of themselves, an understanding of their personalities, and a few tools and accountability, they can not only spread joy,…
  • On Being “Good Enough”
    Do you tend to play a savior role in other people’s lives? Jumping in to prevent train wrecks you see coming that other people can’t see? Many of my clients over the years have struggled with self-worth and valuing themselves. They often wrestle with perfectionism, feeling like what they create will never be “good enough.”…
  • Our Creator’s Cure for a World Gone Crazy
    It’s Independence Day, and I can’t help but think about the country I love and those who sacrificed to give us the freedom we enjoy. Many are looking around at the hostilities, crime, violence, vitriol, wars, and rumors of wars and asking, “What is going on? What can be done?” Many, like me, have felt…
  • What I Learned About Living from Near Death Experiences
    I have been watching a lot of Near-Death Experience stories lately. David mentioned I’d shifted my focus to a new interest, and I said “No, this all correlates with my message of finding peace.” My book (Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature) talks about connecting with our Core Sacred Self™ and…
  • How to Receive Solutions You’re Not Seeing
    What if everything you need or desire is in your environment, but you’re not seeing or receiving it because you don’t expect to or believe that it’s possible? I’ve been reading “How to Do Magic that Works: The Ultimate Technique for Making Things Happen” by Genevieve Davis. I read for about an hour before going…
  • Sacred Nature
    I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Rebecca Clark for her “Move Your Desk” podcast, and it was a delightful experience. Rebecca is a great interviewer. We had never spoken before the camera started rolling so it was a fun off-the-cuff conversation that explored everything from creativity and following inspired ideas to photography, nature…
  • Finding Peace in a Turbulent World
    You Know Jesus, But Are You Experiencing His Peace in Your Daily Life? Are you feeling overwhelmed and inundated by challenges that make you feel trapped, confused, or frustrated? Are you worried about the state of the planet or politics? Your problems may be closer to home – like an aging parent, a loved one…
  • A Tribute to Our King
    Jesus is our King of King and Lord of Lords. I wrote this Christmas poem one morning while reflecting on His majesty and His infinite gifts to us. In royal courts there once was HeWho lived in honored majesty.Of realms and worlds and stars divineOf dust, of particles, and galaxies sublime,The Son arose more glorious…
  • God and His Pollinators
    This morning I took some extra time in nature to learn about our nature as human beings. My husband came in from working outside early this morning and suggested I go down to the cedar circle because there were lots of flowers in bloom and the temperature was a cool 79 degrees F. In the…
  • Insomnia Help: Quieting the Mind at Night
    Insomnia can impact so many aspects of our health. When you can’t sleep, your biological clock gets disrupted and it can impact your weight, your stress levels, and your body’s ability to rejuvenate itself and heal from day-to-day stress. Quieting your mind so you can sleep is often the challenge. Here’s something I’ve found that helps me. Maybe it will help you too.
  • Meditative Journey: The Rock Tumbler of Life
    I’m always looking for meaning in the madness of life. Today, during a meditative journey, I was given a parable about the rock tumbler of life. It shifted my perspective on the meaning of life and why things happen the way they do in mortality. We’ve been reading the Old Testament – specifically the stories…
  • Meditative Journey: Receiving the Love
    In a previous post, I talked about how I felt the Lord telling me that everything in our lives really comes down to remembering vs forgetting who we are, who Christ is, what He did for us, and that we are all connected to each other and to everything in creation by the Creator, Jesus…
  • Meditation Journey: There Is Only Remembering or Forgetting
    I had an exquisite enlightening experience with my morning meditation today. It was the kind of experience that will leave me forever changed.
  • Lunar Eclipses and Lackluster Experiences
    The most recent lunar eclipse in mid-May taught me something about my expectations and how I let them rob me of the joy of the moment. I was able to capture some photos of the eclipse while it was in process. Unfortunately, just as it reached its peak, the haze moved in and then the…
  • A Mother’s Love Never Dies
    My mother loved to shop and she had great taste in clothes. She would often show up at my house with a new pair of pants, a shirt, or skirt for me. We were about the same size so after she passed away in 2017, I would periodically look in her closet and pick something…
  • Nature Poem: The Treasures of the Season
    This is a nature poem I wrote April 10, 2022 about the changing of the seasons and the new lens through which I am seeing the world. Not only is my camera helping me discover hidden treasures, but also I’m learning to be more observant – to listen and look at nature in new ways. I’m finding the lessons, symbols, and messages broadcasting through nature; and it’s changing my life for the better.
  • Pottery Parable: When Someone Sees You as the Villain in His Life Story
    In recent years, I’ve made peace with the past. I don’t rehash often. But occasionally, when I bump into a conflicting viewpoint of what happened, I revisit yesteryear. I most especially, do this when someone I love sees me as the villain in his life story! God has told me specifically to stop rehashing the…
  • Simple-4 Step Process for Actually Understanding God and Others
    A simple 4-step process we can use to increase compassion, understanding, and clarity of communication with God, the earth and others. “I love to think of nature as having unlimited broadcasting stations, through which God speaks to us every day, every hour, and every moment of our lives, if we will only tune in and…
  • Womanhood and the Divine Feminine
    What is womanhood, motherhood and the Divine Feminine and why is it so critical to the condition and continuance of society? In this article, I reflect on the women in my life and what I learned from them about love and moral rectitude.
  • Finding Heavenly Mother
    Around noon, Dave and I went for a walk to the creek. I carried along my camera and my notebook with the objective of sitting on what we call the Intention Rock by the creek. It’s a great place to center myself, ponder, and photograph birds. When we first entered the field, Dave pointed to…
  • Do You Hear Him in Creation?
    An exploration of Christ’s Language of Parables and Symbols in Creation. God is constantly sharing solutions. Do you hear Him in nature? Have you ever struggled with a perplexing question, or wrestled for a solution to a challenge that seemed insurmountable? Have you ever considered that the answers could be right in front of your…
  • How to See Opportunities and Answers You Initially Missed
    Have you ever been so focused on one thing that you missed seeing opportunities or items that were right under your nose? I do this standing in our cluttered pantry. I expect it to be hard to find the molasses, for example, so it is. I give up for a while, come back later, and…
  • Falling in Love with Nature
    “Earth has no sorrow that Earth cannot heal… Deep within us is a primal love of the earth.” John Muir A love for nature and the Earth can’t be forced or induced by fear. You can’t be scared into loving something or someone. As John Muir believed, a love of nature must be re-awakened! God…
  • Living On the Edge May Not Be As Brave As It Sounds
    We think of living on the edge as brave, but in nature, the edge is actually a really good place to hide. But we as humans were not born to hide! We were born to shine! In modern terms, “living on the edge” has come to be known as living dangerously or having an unusual…
  • Release the Past and Celebrate You!
    Many of us have been through hard things. It’s human nature to want to sift through the past, learn the lessons, and figure out how we could do things differently in the future. I know I’ve done that – especially after my second divorce, I replayed everything over and over in my mind trying to…
  • A Controlled Burn Brings New Life
    A controlled burn purges unwanted vegetation and brings new life, wildflowers and birds. The Northwest Georgia January air was crisp, the temperature in the 40’s as we raked dead grasses into a pile. It was late afternoon, and I had bundled up in a hoody and a heavy parka with gloves and a hat.  We’ve…
  • Finding Peace Amidst the World’s Contention
    In recent years, I’ve been a voice, calling out what I see is illogical or unjust in the world. But keeping up with current events was making my blood pressure high and causing anxiety and sleeplessness. Obviously, the way I was handling things wasn’t working for me. How could I hope for peace in the…
  • The Sanctifying Blessings of the Earth
    An exploration of how associating with the Earth can sanctify, improve, and transform us. There’s a social media post going around that shows the relative size of the Earth, all the other planets in our solar system, and the sun in comparison to other stars across the universe. Our sun is miniscule in comparison to…
  • Busy Doesn’t Make You Better
    Many of us struggle with the need to always be busy. If we’re doing one thing, we feel we should be doing another. Or we may feel guilty if we take time for ourselves. Where does the drive to be busy come from? And what can be done about it? How do we get relief?…