Wrapped in Divine Love: A Journey of Trust and Provision
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Wrapped in Divine Love: A Journey of Trust and Provision

My friend, Kristine Farley, frequently reminds me to listen to the song “New Wine” by Hillsong (see video below). As I was listening to it yesterday, this line stood out to me: “I came here with nothing, but all you have given me, Jesus bring new wine out of me.”

Suddenly, I saw myself as a spirit daughter of Father God, a daughter of the King, who had only known light, love, abundance, and the riches of eternity before coming to this planet. As William Wordsworth wrote:

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home:
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!

We each come into this world as defenseless babies, not a stitch of clothing for protection, not even the ability to walk, speak, or feed ourselves. We are glorious beings of light and intelligence, placed inside a helpless body and completely at the mercy of an unknown world. I believe most of our fears, self-doubts, and insecurities would melt away if we remembered that there is something of divinity within us and that God has not sent us here to perish or fail.

As I pondered this thought, two things stood out to me.

First, I thought of Jesus sending forth His disciples without purse or script and expecting them to relax into His provision. He told them, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.” God intends to provide for us, but we must stop looking for that provision in the world’s demanding rat wheel. When we look to Him as the Source of all provision, life becomes more graceful and flowing, and we see that we are surrounded by His love and provision like a baby floating inside her mother’s womb.

Which brings me to my second insight… As I came to earth as a defenseless baby, who did God send to help me survive and thrive? My mother! He placed me in her womb where she nourished and protected me, gave birth to me, and met me with love and kindness. She spent her days looking out for me, making sure I had what I needed, teaching me, and loving me.

God sends His sons and daughters completely defenseless into this world, entrusting us to our mothers (and hopefully our fathers). What an immense amount of trust God must have in women! When God sent forth His Only Begotten Son into the world, who did the Father entrust with the lowly babe in a manger? Mary! And who did Jesus first appear to after His resurrection from the tomb? Mary Magdalene! Jesus holds women in such high esteem and honor. Why? Because most women are, by nature, loving, nurturing beings capable of being co-creators with God. We have the power within us to create and nourish life and bring forth the spirit children of God into physical form, nourishing them from their infancy.

As we come into this world with nothing, we’re immediately wrapped up in the love and provision of our mother’s womb and our mother’s arms. Even if our mothers are no longer with us, I believe we can keep expecting to be wrapped up in love and provision. God hasn’t sent us here to be alone or to fail. He intends to walk with us, and He sends loving individuals like mothers to be an embodiment of His love.

Listen to New Wine by Hillsong

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(Image: Copyright: Chitsanupong / BigStockPhoto)

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