The parable of the Chinese privet and how to simplify your life so you have more room for peace, love, joy, wonder and fulfillment.
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Simplify Your Life & Make Room for Peace

The parable of the Chinese privet illustrates how to simplify your life so you have more room for peace, love, joy, wonder and fulfillment.

Are you often overwhelmed by everything on your plate? Are you dealing with financial, relationship, or health challenges that are stealing your peace? Does the world’s drama stress you out?

Many of us would really like to find more peace in this turbulent world, but aren’t sure where or how to find it. Even those from faith backgrounds who have good methods for dealing with past trauma or emotional concerns still struggle to live in a peaceful state on a daily basis.

I know how that feels. Earlier this year I was dealing with concerns over a loved one’s mental illness and a parent’s dementia. On top of that I was feeling incredibly concerned about the state of the world. This started to impact my ability to sleep through the night. I would wake up for a couple hours each night with my mind racing through possible solutions and to-do-list items. Most mornings I got out of bed feeling tired and exhausted.

This translated into a short temper with my father and others. I was snippy when I wanted to be loving. My desire to be loving and present for my loved ones sent me on a quest for inner peace that transformed my life.

One of the first things I learned that you can do to increase the likelihood of having more peace, love, confidence and joy in your life is to simplify your life. As you remove the invasive habits, concerns and activities from your life, you make room for your gifts. As you step into your Core Divine Self and access the full spectrum of your gifts, you will experience more joy, confidence and fulfillment. You naturally become more patient and more loving as you begin living from your Core Divine Self.

The Parable of the Chinese Privet

The following brief video is an analogy from nature that illustrates how reducing the invasive activities and concerns from your life makes room for more peace, joy and soul development. My husband’s quest to pull invasive Chinese privet illustrates the power of simplifying your life.

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This video is from my “How to Find Peace in a Turbulent World” series. To gain free access to the full course, click here.

What Are The Invasives In Your Life?

What are some invasive activities, thought patterns, or concerns you can reduce or eliminate? Here are some of mine I’ve been reducing:

  • Time spent on social media.
  • Workaholism
  • Overthinking, over-analyzing and worrying
  • Watching the news
  • Binge watching favorite shows

Select something in your life that is using up time, resources and space that could be better used for greater levels of peace, happiness and fulfillment of your gifts? Commit to a plan for how you will reduce this invasive in your life.

Want more ideas for gaining more peace, joy, and happiness in your day-to-day life? Get my free “How to Find Peace in a Turbulent World” course here.

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