Pseudomorphs: Prophecy Stones, Malachite and Me
When I was at the Athens Gem and Mineral Show in March, an unusual stone caught my eye. It felt as if it literally called out to me to examine it. I’d never seen anything like it. Normally, I’m not drawn to blackish stones. I tend to like vibrant colors, but there was something special about this stone. I felt as if it was mine. There was no question about whether I should purchase it. I had to buy it. I glanced at the placard next to it which read “Prophecy Stone.”

I asked the gentleman at the booth to tell me about it. This stone came from Egypt where Egyptian shaman have believed for thousands of years that Prophecy Stones could ground light into the physical body. Egyptians have used it in their spiritual practice and when meditating for millennia. Evidently, it’s called a Prophecy Stone because it is believed to help you see into the future. It is purported to help you see the various alternative routes before you and the consequences of each so you can more intelligently choose the optimal path.
Prophecy stones are also very grounding and calming. The idea is for it to bring heavenly light down through the crown chakra, fill the entire body, and ground the person using the stone with the earth.
It is believed to have a transformative effect by drawing the light of heaven into your physical body.
On a geological note, a Prophecy Stone is a pseudomorph. A pseudomorph is a stone that starts out as one combination of elements and is taken over by another set of elements while retaining the shape and form of the first. Prophecy stones start out as marcasite and pyrite and morph into limonite and hematite. The crystal structure remains from the marcasite and pyrite, but the composition has morphed into limonite and hematite.

When I work with crystals, I make sure I stay anchored to truth and to Christ as I use them. I have a habit of reading scriptures and praying before and during their use. Since the Prophecy Stone can be an intense stone, I wanted to make sure that I consulted God on the use of it. I decided to meditate with the stone. As I did, I felt drawn to hold it in my left hand while I held a piece of malachite in the right.
Malachite is a green crystal which correlates to the heart chakra. It represents Divine Love and compassion and is believed to facilitate transformation.
As I held these two gemstones in my palms, I could feel my pulse beating in both hands. This is something that has happened on subsequent occasions as I’ve used these two stones together. The first time it happened, the words came into my mind, “I am the resurrection and the life, He that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live. He that believeth in me shall never die” (John 11:25). With my eyes closed, I saw the color red.
I opened my scriptures and it fell to John 4:14 where Jesus is speaking to the woman at the well:
“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
John 4:14
At this point, I recalled that Malachite is also a pseudomorph. It comes from copper mines and usually starts out as azurite and morphs into malachite. The transition can take thousands of years.
I came to understand that these stones represent Jesus Christ and how He transforms our lives. When we invite Him into our lives, He begins the transformation process. That well of living water begins to spring forth. Jesus works a mighty change upon our hearts and our desires begin aligning with His. I may look like the same person, but after Christ starts transforming me, I am something different inside. I have become a pseudomorph. Like the malachite or the Prophecy Stone, it can take time … a lifetime … even beyond this life to fully transform.
As I pondered upon the use of this stone, the words of John the Revelator entered my mind,
“For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.”
Revelation 19:5
The Samaritans believed in Jesus, not because of the woman at the well. They listened because of her, but their testimonies of Jesus came from meeting Jesus.
Jesus is the transformative power. The Prophecy Stone and the malachite are sort of like the woman at the well making an introduction. These stones are not transformative in and of themselves. They have been transformed (like the woman at the well was) and symbolize the transformation that Christ makes. They are witnesses, illustrations, and symbols of His transformative power.
What Station is Your Radio Tuner Set On?
I must admit that when I hold these stones in my hands, I feel a very good feeling. They have a higher frequency that I feel in my body and at a spirit level. Often my forehead feels an intense feeling in it as if my sixth chakra (third eye) is being activated. I believe that these stones may emit a frequency of some sort. Or perhaps they are receptors for frequencies like a radio tuning into a channel.
But one must ask when using gemstones, “to what end?” I believe everything in nature is meant to point us to Christ. I also believe it’s important to center yourself in Christ before and during the use of gemstones so that one would not be deceived. If Prophecy Stones and malachite are like a radio tuner, I’m not sure if they only pick up one station. It may have more to do with our intention – like one’s intention to listen to a particular radio station. Without a clear intention, one might pick up all kinds of stations – many of which have nothing to do with truth or what is in our highest good.
I am always cautious to set my intention for the Light of Christ channel so that any insights, revelation or “prophecy” I receive strengthens and invites a testimony of Jesus… “for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.”