Manifesting Cardinals
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Manifesting Cardinals and Convertibles

Manifesting your desires doesn’t have to be difficult. I’ve stumbled on an easy, effortless way of manifesting things. It’s not overnight, but it works. I learned it from my interest in cardinals and convertibles.

While going through the Rare Faith Mindset Mastery Program a couple years ago, we were asked to set an inconsequential goal. The idea is to set a goal that doesn’t mean a great deal to you, and use the laws and principles taught in the course to attract your goal.

I set a goal to take a picture of a cardinal. In my mind, I pictured something close-up, crisp, and clear. At the time, the only camera I had was my iPhone 6. We often have cardinals in our backyard in the winter, and Dave decided to put out a birdfeeder a few days after I set the goal. He did this without me telling him my goal. That was one of the Mindset Mastery stipulations – tell no one close to you about your goal.  We wanted a pure test without our spouses or family members mixing their intentions in with ours.

Over the next few months, I caught several photos of cardinals. None of them were what I imagined in my mind’s eye, but some were close. I got one at a park in Arkansas that was the best of all. It was enough to satisfy me that I’d received my goal.

For Christmas in 2021, Santa brought me a Canon Rebel T7 with a telephoto lens. Yesterday, as Dave and I were talking, he looked out the back window and said, “Hurry, get your camera. There’s a cardinal out there in a tree.”

I placed the telephoto lens directly up against the pane of glass in our back door, extended the lens to the full 300x setting, and used manual focus to capture several pictures of the cardinal. I’d say he was around 50 feet off into the woods in a tree.

It’s interesting how my goal, which was set two years ago, is still in force. I’ve never said, “Ok, that’s enough cardinal photos.” In fact, even as amazingly clear as these photos are, I haven’t mentally shut off the standing order of taking super clear and closeup photos of cardinals. I’ll let that intention keep broadcasting and see how perfectly tuned in my photos become.

Today after writing that last paragraph, I went to the kitchen for a drink and spotted our resident cardinal on the back deck eating from the bird feeder. I took some photos while sitting on the couch through the back door window. Then he turned his back to me for quite some time so I inched forward and got as close to the window as I could with the telephoto lens and snapped these two photos. (Interested in Cardinal Animal Symbolism and what cardinals can teach us about life? Click here.)

Manifesting Convertibles

I did something like this inadvertently back in 2011 with convertibles. I walked out of the gym to see the most beautiful green BMW convertible with tan interior. I took a photo of it. Before this time, I had never thought much about convertibles. Afterward, I started taking photos of any cool convertible I spotted. I had quite a collection of convertible photos over the next few years.

Marnie in a convertible

In September of 2010, I rented a car to visit my good friend in Kentucky. When I got to Enterprise, all they had was a convertible. I drove it and really enjoyed it. But I never set any kind of goal or intention to own a convertible. I thought I wouldn’t mind renting one again another time, but that never happened.

What did happen was, in 2017, I began dating a man with a Seabring convertible. In 2018, he appeared at my apartment door the month before our wedding with a set of keys dangling in front of my face. He began singing “Convertible girl” to the tune of Madonna’s “Material Girl.” As I looked past him, I saw the cutest little BMW Z3 Convertible! I have never been more surprised in my life to receive my own convertible as a wedding present!

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It’s interesting that I never set the goal of owning a convertible. Yet, my casual, steady attention to convertibles and snapping photos of them over the course of about 5-6 years brought two of them into my life. Both Dave and I drive convertibles today.

The Importance of Relaxed, Enjoyable Noticing

I think sometimes our desperate need for something does more harm than good. The things I’ve desperately longed for evaded me more and caused more frustration than casual, playful attention to inconsequential goals. I think the key to manifesting is the nature of our emotions around a goal. Needy emotions send your desires running. Playful observation allows you to receive. That’s why Leslie Householder recommends playing with inconsequential goals – so it’s easier to relax, allow, and not get emotionally needy or desperate.

Whatever we get into a needy space about – whether it’s finding a mate, acquiring more money, or getting a new car – it will run from us. When we relax into playful noticing, taking delight in any glimpse of the thing we’re interested in, we draw more of it into our lives. I think it’s like setting a beacon message calling in your desires. It will keep drawing in better and more refined results until you say, “This is it. This is what I wanted. You can turn off the beacon now.”

Learn more about the laws of thought in Leslie Householder’s free book Portal to Genius downloadable here.

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