Do You Hear Him in Creation?
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Do You Hear Him in Creation?

An exploration of Christ’s Language of Parables and Symbols in Creation. God is constantly sharing solutions. Do you hear Him in nature? Have you ever struggled with a perplexing question, or wrestled for a solution to a challenge that seemed insurmountable? Have you ever considered that the answers could be right in front of your…

How to See Opportunities and Answers You Initially Missed
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How to See Opportunities and Answers You Initially Missed

Have you ever been so focused on one thing that you missed seeing opportunities or items that were right under your nose? I do this standing in our cluttered pantry. I expect it to be hard to find the molasses, for example, so it is. I give up for a while, come back later, and…

Living On the Edge May Not Be As Brave As It Sounds
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Living On the Edge May Not Be As Brave As It Sounds

We think of living on the edge as brave, but in nature, the edge is actually a really good place to hide. But we as humans were not born to hide! We were born to shine! In modern terms, “living on the edge” has come to be known as living dangerously or having an unusual…

Finding Peace Amidst the World’s Contention

Finding Peace Amidst the World’s Contention

In recent years, I’ve been a voice, calling out what I see is illogical or unjust in the world. But keeping up with current events was making my blood pressure high and causing anxiety and sleeplessness. Obviously, the way I was handling things wasn’t working for me. How could I hope for peace in the…

The Sanctifying Blessings of the Earth

The Sanctifying Blessings of the Earth

An exploration of how associating with the Earth can sanctify, improve, and transform us. There’s a social media post going around that shows the relative size of the Earth, all the other planets in our solar system, and the sun in comparison to other stars across the universe. Our sun is miniscule in comparison to…