Live from your Core Sacred Self and find the power to choose peace
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Embrace Your Core Sacred Self™: Finding Peace Amidst Life’s Chaos

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get swept away by worries, fear, or the weight of our past mistakes. Yet within each of us lies a profound source of peace and strength: the Core Sacred Self™. This concept is deeply explored in my book, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature,”…

Magnolia Letters

A Nostalgic Journey Through Time with The Magnolia Letters

I have been enjoying the absolute pleasure of experiencing The Magnolia Letters, and it’s nothing short of extraordinary. This unique storytelling experience transports me back to an era I hold dear, filling me with nostalgia and joy, remembering the stories my great aunt Thadda used to tell me about the Great Depression era. Beautifully Crafted Letters: The…

Marnie Dancing on Salt Flats - Miracles

Do You Crave Miracles for Yourself and Those You Love?

Have you ever wanted good things for your loved ones more than they wanted them for themselves? It can be heartbreaking watching loved ones suffer or make self-destructive choices. God’s prime directive is agency (freedom to choose). All individuals must desire and choose better outcomes for themselves, and we have to respect their agency … even…

Nature Collaboration with the Old Woman of the Woods

Simple 3-Step Formula for Retaining Your Epiphanies

Would you like to receive more answers from God, glean more from your epiphany and joy moments, and recall them when you need them? Have you ever had an aha moment, a deep insight, or a moment of pure joy where you learned something new? It felt revolutionary in the moment, something that could change…

Blue Asters attract pollinators - bees

Are You an Inspired Creative?

Inspired Creatives are the pollinators of the world – they flit about exploring possibilities and bring life, joy, and beauty wherever they go. They may think they aren’t “doing” or “accomplishing” anything, but with some acceptance of themselves, an understanding of their personalities, and a few tools and accountability, they can not only spread joy,…

Butterfly in McCall Idaho - On Being Good Enough

On Being “Good Enough”

Do you tend to play a savior role in other people’s lives? Jumping in to prevent train wrecks you see coming that other people can’t see? Many of my clients over the years have struggled with self-worth and valuing themselves. They often wrestle with perfectionism, feeling like what they create will never be “good enough.”…

Finding peace in nature
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Our Creator’s Cure for a World Gone Crazy

It’s Independence Day, and I can’t help but think about the country I love and those who sacrificed to give us the freedom we enjoy. Many are looking around at the hostilities, crime, violence, vitriol, wars, and rumors of wars and asking, “What is going on? What can be done?” Many, like me, have felt…

What I learned about living from Near Death Experiences (NDEs) - wildflowers in our yard.

What I Learned About Living from Near Death Experiences

I have been watching a lot of Near-Death Experience stories lately. David mentioned I’d shifted my focus to a new interest, and I said “No, this all correlates with my message of finding peace.” My book (Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature) talks about connecting with our Core Sacred Self™ and…

Receiving the Solutions You're Not Seeing - Manifestation and Crushed Tomatos in Lafayette Georgia

How to Receive Solutions You’re Not Seeing

What if everything you need or desire is in your environment, but you’re not seeing or receiving it because you don’t expect to or believe that it’s possible? I’ve been reading “How to Do Magic that Works: The Ultimate Technique for Making Things Happen” by Genevieve Davis. I read for about an hour before going…

Rebecca Clark of Move Your Desk Podcast interviews Marnie Pehrson Kuhns about Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature

Sacred Nature

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Rebecca Clark for her “Move Your Desk” podcast, and it was a delightful experience. Rebecca is a great interviewer. We had never spoken before the camera started rolling so it was a fun off-the-cuff conversation that explored everything from creativity and following inspired ideas to photography, nature…