Beaver Animal Totem - Beaver Spirit Animal

Beaver Animal Symbolism

If you were born between April 20 – May 20, your Birth Animal is the Beaver in Native American lore. If you were born between October 23 – November 21, the Beaver is your Polarity Animal. Beaver Animal Symbolism teaches us about collaboration, creativity, tenacity and productivity. The Beaver is hardworking, does well collaborating in…

wolf animal totem - wolf spirit animal

Wolf Animal Symbolism

Like all animals and people, the wolf has its positive and negative qualities – it’s light and shadows characteristics. By studying wolf characteristics and wolf animal symbolism, we can learn lessons about leadership, communication, strength and freedom. If you were born between February 19 – March 20, the Wolf is considered your Birth Animal in…

Beaver Animal Totem - Beaver Spirit Animal

Native American Spirit Animals and Polarity Animals

I recently discovered that many Native American tribes had something similar to the Zodiac. They associated specific animals to the time of your birth. You were assigned a Spirit Animal at birth that traveled with you through life. This animal would possess certain characteristics similar to your own. They could teach you how to navigate…

Seal Symbolism, Seal Animal Totem
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Natural Stress Remedies

Seal Symbolism, Crystals, Herbs, and Essential Oils that Relieve Stress I’ve been dealing with a bit of high blood pressure and would love to get off medications. Obviously, I’d never do that without my doctor agreeing that it’s a good idea. This goal has inspired me to keep a closer eye on my blood pressure…