Cardinal Animal Symbolism – Animal Totem
We can learn a lot about relationships from cardinal animal symbolism – whether it’s in their mating or in how they show up in the world. Cardinals mate for life. They are good parents, loyal, and work together to care for their young. The mother sits on the nest while the male protects and gathers everything the mother and the babies need. In the Southern United States, cardinals are known to raise up to three broods of young in a single season. In the middle states, only one. Baby cardinals stay with their parents until they can get food on their own.
The bright red cardinal is the male. The female has more muted colors with a hint of red. During the season when they rear their young, the male takes on a more muted color like the female as camouflage for good parenting.
Cardinals have loud calls. They can be heard clearly and distinctly. The male is not afraid to show up with his showy bright red feathers in the winter. He brings a welcome splash of color on dreary days and stands out in bright contrast to the snow.
A male cardinal will drive away any other male from his breeding space. He will go after it with a shrill sound of anger until it’s gone out of his space. Then the male cardinal will go up in his favorite tree and pour out his heart in a song of exultation. When the male is calm, the crest at the top of his head lies flatter. When he’s excited, it lifts taller and peaks.
Cardinals sing year-round. The female’s song is more elaborate than the males. Among other things, the female uses her song to get the male to bring more food to the nest.
Cardinals do not migrate. They live their entire lives within about a mile radius of where they were born, and they can live up to 15 years.
What Cardinal Animal Symbolism Teaches Us

- Cardinals teach us to be loyal in our relationships, work through differences, and collaborate to create a home environment that is nurturing.
- Cardinals model the importance of embracing your unique gifts and working with others. Each parent has their roles and responsibilities and together they collaborate incredibly well.
- Let our voices be heard
- Take time to celebrate what’s going right in our lives.
- We need to trust our instincts and our intuition. The male cardinal doesn’t hide in winter. He shows off his bright colors and trusts his innate gifts of alertness and awareness to protect himself and his mate.
- Be observant. Notice the world around us.
- Look out for our partners and families and be there for them.
The next time a cardinal shows up in your life, think about the messages he’s bringing you about life, love and celebrating what’s right in your life.
Click here for the story behind how I shot these cardinal photos.
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