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Womanhood Defined

Recently a woman was named to the Supreme Court who refused to define what a woman was. She claimed she isn’t a biologist and couldn’t say what a woman was. Never mind that a four-year-old can identify a woman. What this Harvard grad seeking a life-time appointment to the highest court in the land could have said is, “I can’t say what a woman is lest it offends the woke community and the leaders in power who wish to destroy womanhood on nearly every front. I want this position, so I’m going to pretend I don’t know what a woman is.”

Recently, I watched an excellent podcast episode from Allyson Chavez with her guest, Laurel Huston. I wish every woman and man would watch this episode. It is absolutely brilliant!

One of the things Laurel points out is that women are not created to give, give, give. We’ve been told that’s what we’re suppose to do. As a result, many women are depleted, exhausted and discouraged. Laurel asserts that women aren’t wired to give. She says we’re wired to receive and then transmute. We receive sperm, food, water, and nutrients, combine that with our own egg, and transmute it all into a living being. To create milk, a mother receives water and food and creates milk. Women are born alchemists. We bring everything together and then create something fabulous out of it.

Laurel also mentions in the end of the video that a woman’s womb (not just her uterus but her entire womb) is a divine portal – a connection to God through which life is brought to earth. We literally have a doorway to eternity within us. This is something my husband and I have talked about and used the very same word – a portal to the divine. Is it any wonder that those who wish to destroy women try to turn her womb into a death chamber, or use completely unscientific woke-speak to pretend that men can give birth?

While pondering on these topics and our divine femininity, I crafted this definition of womanhood:

Singing bowl - womanhood
As I meditated this morning, playing my singing bowl (which is aligned with the sacral chakra), I had the visual of a woman being like a bowl that receives illumination and spirit from heaven, nutrients and wisdom from the earth, and love, support, protection and provision from man. All of it goes together like a soup from which the magic of her womb creates life, love, wisdom and beauty. This sacred, wonderous capacity is so important that God brought man and woman together to protect and honor this sacred power – which is more than giving birth. It’s a creative life force which extends out in countless creative forms to heal and nurture the world.

Woman: (womb-human) – a divine feminine being who receives everything she needs from the heavens, the earth, and humanity into her womb space, combines it with herself, and transmutes it all into unique and beautiful life and creations.

A woman simply has to be; and as she nourishes and protects herself, she nourishes and protects her creations. There is no struggle to figure out how to create skin, limbs, a heart or a brain for her baby. She simply receives what she needs, nourishes herself, rests, and goes about her days in a healthy way. Then, voila, a baby emerges.

A woman’s womb space (which is much more than her uterus) is a portal for the Divine to bring life and Divine creative expression to earth. Look to the birthing process to see how women are able to co-create in every aspect of our lives. It is a model for how we can do everything in a graceful, loving way. Whether a woman ever has children or not, she is a portal for Divine creation. She has a hardwired connection to God.

Here’s the video with Laurel Huston and Allyson Chavez. Please watch all the way through it. You won’t want to miss any of it — especially why the world is so intent upon destroying womanhood AND manhood.

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More info on Allyson Chavez here. To learn more about Laurel Huston, go here.

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