Simple-4 Step Process for Actually Understanding God and Others
A simple 4-step process we can use to increase compassion, understanding, and clarity of communication with God, the earth and others.
“I love to think of nature as having unlimited broadcasting stations, through which God speaks to us every day, every hour, and every moment of our lives, if we will only tune in and remain so.”
George Washington Carver
I’d never seen this George Washington Carver quote until last week. When I saw it, I immediately exclaimed, “Yes! This is it! This is the message of Creation Girl! This is my quest – to tune in and impart the wisdom I receive in a way that inspires you to go out and tune into God’s broadcasting stations in nature! God is broadcasting our answers. Are we listening?
Not only is God broadcasting through nature, but the people around us are broadcasting how they feel, their needs, their gifts, their beauty and brilliance and their heartache and pain. While social media and technology has increased our ability to communicate with people across the globe, I suspect we have lost much of our ability to communicate and understand the person in the next room. And in all the communication that happens online, there is an immense amount of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
How do we break through the clouds of confusion and misunderstanding to greater clarity, compassion and heart-felt communication?
In many ways the internet is a human imitation of the vast web of information being broadcast and exchanged in nature. Each of us is connected to each other, to the earth, to the elements, birds, trees, and animals around us. There is a natural communication system that we are ignoring. It’s largely unseen like WIFI signals, cell signals and radio waves.
Have you ever walked into a room right after two people have had an argument and felt the tension – even though there was nothing being said?
My mentor, Carolyn Cooper, founder of the SimplyALIGN Method™ has often said, “There are no secrets in the energy field.” As we become increasingly dependent upon technology for communication, I suspect we are losing our ability to naturally connect by tuning into body language, unspoken vibrations, and the Spirit of Discernment.
Nature can renew these skills. For example, for years I have had trouble hearing well. When people speak softly, I’ve had to ask them to repeat what they are saying so I can understand them. In some ways, I suspect I created my own hearing problem because I had so much work to do. With six kids to rear alongside running a home based business, I had to tune out the noise in order to focus at the task at hand. I didn’t want to hear much of what was going on around me. Eventually, my ears got the message and diminished their ability to pick up sounds.
As I have been birding for several months, I have become more aware of sounds. I WANT to hear the birds. I am learning to recognize their calls. Hearing a bird helps me know what to look for and where. By listening to and learning the bird’s calls, it’s easier for me to realize a new bird is near. I’ll stealthily walk in the direction of the call, camera ready, to photograph a bird I haven’t seen before.
My hearing hasn’t been suddenly cured, but I’ve noticed that I am hearing a bit better – largely because I’m paying attention. I’m paying better attention to sounds – especially when I’m out doors. In the past I would have been completely oblivious to a bird’s call, the hammering of a woodpecker or even the sound of airplanes or vehicles. I didn’t care. So I didn’t pay attention. So I didn’t hear.
If we don’t care what God has to tell us in nature, we won’t pay attention. And we won’t hear. If we don’t care about another person’s viewpoint, we won’t pay attention, and we won’t hear. This is such a simple formula for finding greater harmony with God, with nature and other people:
- Care – Look for the good that you like about someone or something and soon you will start caring about them.
- Pay attention – Be observant. Lean into listening. Look a little closer.
- Hear – REALLY listen with a desire to understand and comprehend.
- Move toward others so you can learn more, grow, rejoice in their beauty, and receive wisdom.
If we want the world to be a better place, we need to start caring about each other, paying attention, listening and really seeking to understand each other As we do this, we will be drawn closer together so we can learn from and find joy and delight in each other. We’re less likely to be in conflict or contention with those we understand and have identified something we admire.
Similarly, if we want to hear God’s messages in nature, we need to find something in nature that interests us, that we can care about. As we begin to care, we will pay attention and listen. As we listen, we open ourselves up to beauty and wisdom that God is anxious to share with us.
What will you start noticing? What interests you that you can start paying attention to and observing? Pick something – whether it’s birds, plants, shrubs, trees, rocks, mountains or a person. Lean in, pay attention, and really listen and see them. As you do, you’ll be drawn into the beauties and wonders that God is excited to share with you. You will gain wisdom and hidden treasures of knowledge that will delight you and bring joy to your soul and clarity to your mind. It’s a joyous adventure!