Snake Animal Symbolism
If you’re born between October 23 – November 21, your Birth Animal is the Snake in Native American Lore. If you’re born between April 20 – May 20, your Polarity Animal is the Snake.

If the Snake is one of your animals, you might think it’s kind of creepy, or maybe not. You may really be drawn to snakes. The interesting thing I’ve learned about Spirit Animals is that everything in nature serves. Everything has it’s positive qualities – even a snake.
Snakes represent duality and a quest for balance. They represent things like fertility, cycles, rebirth, transformation, balance, cunning, patience, intuition, awareness, intelligence, hidden knowledge, and even healing.
Snakes teach us to strike a balance between the practical and the spiritual.
In Biblical times, God told Moses to put a brazen serpent on a pole, and if the Israelites looked at it, they lived and were healed from poisonous snake bites. This snake healing metaphor also shows up in medicine with the The Rod of Asclepius (the pole with the snake on it). Aesculapius was the Greek god of healing.
The idea of hidden knowledge most likely comes from the Garden of Eden. Satan appeared as a snake, tempting Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit so that their eyes would be opened, and they would have knowledge like God has.
The snake awakens us from our naïve and innocent nature, opens our eyes so that we are more aware, alert and embrace the duality of life. In the Eden story, the snake got Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. There’s the duality.
If you have Snake as your Birth or Polarity Animal, you may notice some of these scenarious:
- Creating a good balance in life may be a theme in your life.
- You may be drawn to look at the duality of life – the Yin and Yang / light and shadows.
- You may have an insatiable quest for hidden knowledge and mysteries.
Affirmations for Snake Animal Symbolism
- I look for the blessings in my challenges
- I glean the wisdom and knowledge from any situation.
- I have excellent discernment.
- I am alert and aware and patient.
- I have excellent intuition.
- I bring healing to my world.
- I am well balanced.
- I look for the good and see it everywhere.
- I have an excellent intellect.
Polarity Animal: If Snake is your Native American Birth Animal, then the Beaver is your Native American Polarity Animal. If the Snake is your Polarity Animal, then the Beaver is your Birth Animal.
Snake Image Copyright: Nuk. M /