How to Find Joy Amidst the Gloom
Nature and a camera lens can teach us much about looking for the good. Where we put our focus determines the joy we experience.
It’s been rainy for the last few days here in Northwest Georgia, so when I noticed a bit of sunshine coming through the clouds, I decided to go for a walk with my camera. What struck me is that even though there were dark clouds, and one might call it a dreary afternoon, there were still bursts of light. Above the clouds, the sun is always shining.

In life, we can go through some dreary and dark times. The storms may come, but up above all that, the sun is still shining, and every once in a while, packets of sunlight spill through.

The lesson of the camera lens is that beauty is found even on dreary days. It may take some zooming and cropping, but it’s all about our focus. Even the dark clouds look more beautiful in contrast with the light.

If we focus on the beauty, our hearts lighten, and we breathe easier. I came back from my brief walk feeling lighter, free-er and more centered. Try looking at life like you’re looking through a camera lens – look for the beauty, and you’ll soon be finding joy even in difficulties.
Discover how to find more peace and joy in your daily life in my book, Find a Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature.