Marnie Dancing on Salt Flats - Miracles

Do You Crave Miracles for Yourself and Those You Love?

Have you ever wanted good things for your loved ones more than they wanted them for themselves? It can be heartbreaking watching loved ones suffer or make self-destructive choices.

God’s prime directive is agency (freedom to choose). All individuals must desire and choose better outcomes for themselves, and we have to respect their agency … even when what they are choosing looks sad, scary or painful. We can’t fix other people’s lives… whether they’re our children, spouses, parents, siblings, or friends.

Anything Is Possible with God

Having said that, we can pray for people. There are windows of time when the people we love are reachable, and the Spirit can prompt us with the optimal things to pray, say, or do. I would like to share with you a powerful way of praying that has worked miracles in our family over the last few months.

Pain Precedes the Miracle

In March, I started having horrible sciatic, hip and leg pain which forced me to be more consistent in caring for my body. As I do my morning stretches, I listen to, sing along, and pray a specific song I’ll share with you. I pray this song over the people I love and visualize Jesus with them, blessing them, loving them, healing them. I see them happy and whole in my mind. Often, I feel the vision so deeply that I am moved to joyful and hopeful tears.

As a result of this practice, just in the last three weeks we’ve seen the following miracles in our family: 

I went from not being able to walk upright (because of electric shocks and constant leg cramps) to dancing with my son at his wedding. I was able to enjoy 3 weeks of travel for the festivities and visiting various family members out west. 

Dancing with my youngest son at his wedding reception. We are thrilled with his choice. She’s a wonderful girl and her family is fabulous. We could not ask for anything better!

A loved one who (two months ago) wasn’t sure she even believed in God or whether He cared for her was baptized! 

A relative with whom I had a strained relationship welcomed me with open arms during a 5-day visit, and we really had a great time together!

My 92-year-old father was healed from flu and viral pneumonia and well-cared for while we were out of town. He was even reunited with an estranged relative.

My husband and I have marveled at how truly perfect the last three weeks have been. God has been moving in our family in a beautiful way.

The Process: See Your Miracles with an Eye of Faith

If there’s someone you are concerned about (including yourself) you might try this process as you pray and visualize for them. It’s what has been called “seeing with an eye of faith.”

I play the song several times as I’m stretching in the morning. I don’t go into a lot of specifics. I simply visualize Jesus with the person (or groups of people in a big family circle). I see Jesus removing their fears, healing them, blessing them, I see my loved ones happy with Him as their friend and healer. I let Him decide what that looks like in circumstances, as I pray this song over people in my mind:

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God Truly Wants to Bless Us!

The beauty of it is, I stop worrying, fretting, or trying to fix everything. I give problems back to Jesus and the other people to solve. I let go of micromanaging the results or what they need to look like and get out of solver mode. My own healing also becomes a relationship between my body, spirit and Jesus. 

Give it a try! If you’d like to learn more ways to make your relationship with Christ more aligned, meaningfully, and effectual, please join me for my Align with the Divine group that starts, Tuesday, May 21st. It meets weekly on Tuesdays. 

Answers to Common Questions About the Group

The first several weeks, you’ll watch some online material, and we’ll discuss how to apply it to your life in the weekly Zoom sessions. If you need to miss a Zoom session or two, that’s okay. Just let me know. There will be recordings available that I’ll send to you after the sessions.

Also, if this is short notice and you can’t make the first one, please let me know. You can jump in on the second week if you watch the lessons/recordings so you’re not behind.

Here are the details:

Whether you decide to be a part of the group or not, I hope you’ll try this experiment with the eye of faith. God truly wants to bless us, and this practice helped me have the faith that miracles are possible.

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