Woods, junipers, sunlight, spiderwebs
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Embracing Serenity: Finding Joy Amid Life’s Chaos

My husband and I have a lot on our plates. We have elderly fathers in their 90s who are not in the best of health, and we have numerous repairs and upgrades planned for our house and property in the coming months. On top of that, my father will be moving in with us full-time….

Orange butterfly on rosemary
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November Butterflies

The tinkling of delicate windchimes dangling from my front porch are an auditory companion to the invisible breeze that brushes my cheeks. I marvel at the fuchsia roses with their indigo auras that still bloom on the opposite side of the white porch rail. The vivid green of new leaves contrast with the dried, shriveled…

peach blossom
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Peach Blossoms and Other Random Surprises

We planted a couple dozen fruit trees last year, most of them didn’t make it. Ironically, a peach pit got thrown off our deck and randomly sprouted a peach tree which is now blooming. It’s funny how you work and put a lot of effort into things that don’t bear fruit and then some whimsical…

Blue Asters attract pollinators - bees
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Blue Aster Wildflower Symbolism

It’s a treat to find beautiful flowers blooming in fall. These are blue asters growing in our front yard at the end of October. Bees, butterflies and other pollinators love blue asters. Asters symbolize patience, love of variety, and elegance. In France they symbolize the eye of Christ and are placed on soldier’s graves to…