The Sanctifying Blessings of the Earth

The Sanctifying Blessings of the Earth

An exploration of how associating with the Earth can sanctify, improve, and transform us. There’s a social media post going around that shows the relative size of the Earth, all the other planets in our solar system, and the sun in comparison to other stars across the universe. Our sun is miniscule in comparison to…

Book Corner: Sacred Earth. Sacred Soul. Sacred YOU
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Book Corner: Sacred Earth. Sacred Soul. Sacred YOU

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m listening to Sacred Earth. Sacred Soul by John Philip Newell, read by Angus King in a delightful Irish brogue. The premise of the book is that all of nature and humanity are sacred. This is an ancient Celtic view which originally blended well with Christ’s teachings, but…

Book Corner: Sacred Earth. Sacred Soul
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Book Corner: Sacred Earth. Sacred Soul

What I’m learning about myself and our property from the book Sacred Earth. Sacred Soul by John Philip Newell and from our own personal earth mentor – a pre-Civil War oak we call, “The Old Woman of the Woods.” Dave and I have been working outside a lot lately. We misjudged our property line and…

Quieting the Mind & Connecting with Your Core Sacred Self™
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Quieting the Mind & Connecting with Your Core Sacred Self™

Over the last year I’ve been studying a lot of books on quieting the mind and staying in a Christ-like loving space. This quest has largely, been driven by my desire to find peace in a troubled world – inner peace of mind and bodily peace (lowering my blood pressure). I’ve studied these concepts from…