Woods, junipers, sunlight, spiderwebs
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Embracing Serenity: Finding Joy Amid Life’s Chaos

My husband and I have a lot on our plates. We have elderly fathers in their 90s who are not in the best of health, and we have numerous repairs and upgrades planned for our house and property in the coming months. On top of that, my father will be moving in with us full-time….

Chipmunk animal symbolism, chipmunk animal totem, Pixabay Hooker472
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God’s Messages in Nature: The Playful Chipmunk Symbolism

I recently shared a video about hearing God’s messages in nature, focusing on an incredible encounter with hummingbirds. Right as I was wrapping up that video, I experienced something else that I couldn’t ignore, prompting me to create this follow-up post. A Surprising Encounter with Chipmunks At the end of my last video, you might…

Eastern phoebe mother and babies
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Eastern Phoebe Animal Symbolism and Nature’s Lessons on Patience

“I want a golden goose and I want it now!” demanded Veruca Salt in “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” In our instant gratification world, we often think that everything should come quickly when we desire it. But, nature teaches us that things take time. Whether it’s the seeds we plant that have a germination…

Raven Animal Symbolism
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Are You Seeing and Receiving God’s Provision?

Could you use more of God’s provision in your life? Do you feel like you need something and it’s just not showing up? If so, I have a word of encouragement for you from the Father. This is from Luke 12:24: “Consider the Ravens for they neither sow nor reap, which neither have storehouse nor…

How to Achieve Your Goals, Dreams and Aspirations - cowpea seeds
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How to Achieve Your Goals, Dreams and Aspirations

Do you have goals, dreams or areas of your life you’d like to improve? But it’s hard to make time, or life keeps getting in the way? Create your own miracles with God: Here are practical tips and guidance from the Father found in Ecclesiastes 11:4,6: “He that observeth the wind shall not sow and…

Woodpecker in a Tree
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Step Outside Your Comfort Zone and Receive Gifts

Clad in my camo snowmobile suit, raspberry-colored knit hat (to warn off deer hunters), red gloves, and boots, I slip my camera strap over my head and emerge from my warm house into the cold, overcast January morning.  Ready for bird photography, I scan my front yard and walk toward the field. No birds are…

Carolina Wren on Flagpole
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What the Carolina Wren Can Teach Us About Delivering a Message to the World

Do you have a message you feel called to deliver to the world? Are you overwhelmed with cutting through the noise and knowing how to be heard in a world that is overloaded with information? We are learning a lot from the confident and clear voice of the tiny Carolina Wren. This small bird has…