From Bondage to Breakthrough
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From Bondage to Breakthrough: Understanding the Power of Faith and Deliverance

Introduction Have you ever found yourself entrenched in a difficult situation, feeling trapped and wondering whether you should make your own way out or rely on divine intervention? It’s a common dilemma many of us face, whether it’s related to finances, health, or relationships. Today, we’re going to explore a fascinating perspective from the Book…

How to Achieve Your Goals, Dreams and Aspirations - cowpea seeds
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How to Achieve Your Goals, Dreams and Aspirations

Do you have goals, dreams or areas of your life you’d like to improve? But it’s hard to make time, or life keeps getting in the way? Create your own miracles with God: Here are practical tips and guidance from the Father found in Ecclesiastes 11:4,6: “He that observeth the wind shall not sow and…

fear of criticism, creativity, autumn leaves and lighthouse

Is Fear of Criticism Killing Your Creativity?

Are you nervous or afraid about putting your creativity into the world for fear it will be criticized, judged, or ridiculed? Maybe you’re afraid people will misunderstand or twist what you say? Maybe you’re concerned people will say mean things about you or your creations? Fear of criticism is a very real concern in today’s…

INFJ's creativity is like Puhpowee

Mindfulness and Creativity for INFJs on the Meyers-Briggs

Are you an INFJ? Do you have trouble shutting off your mind and being mindful? How does mindfulness help you be more creative? Find out in this exploration of the INFJ mind. I’m an INFJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) on the Meyers-Briggs Personality Assessment. INFJ’s comprise about 1% of the population and are the rarest…

Blue Asters attract pollinators - bees

Are You an Inspired Creative?

Inspired Creatives are the pollinators of the world – they flit about exploring possibilities and bring life, joy, and beauty wherever they go. They may think they aren’t “doing” or “accomplishing” anything, but with some acceptance of themselves, an understanding of their personalities, and a few tools and accountability, they can not only spread joy,…

Indian blanket - creating miracles
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How My Life Became Miraculous Overnight

Do you have goals and dreams that you’ve been working toward for years? I did. I felt like God had called me to do specific things and had made promises about how my life would be. But rather than moving toward them, everything started falling apart instead!  Just as it looked like it was completely…

Receiving the Solutions You're Not Seeing - Manifestation and Crushed Tomatos in Lafayette Georgia

How to Receive Solutions You’re Not Seeing

What if everything you need or desire is in your environment, but you’re not seeing or receiving it because you don’t expect to or believe that it’s possible? I’ve been reading “How to Do Magic that Works: The Ultimate Technique for Making Things Happen” by Genevieve Davis. I read for about an hour before going…

Why Rest and Rejuvenation Improves Creativity

Why Frequent Rest and Rejuvenation Improves Creativity

Many of us were reared with the philosophy, “put your nose to the grindstone and push, push, push.” Whether you were reared that way or worked in this type of company culture, you may have come to believe that rest and recreation only come after the job is completed. Rest is something you must earn…