Carolina Wren Nest Building
We have had Carolina Wrens nesting around our front porch for a few years now. A couple years ago, they built their nest in a toolbox my husband Dave had on the front porch. Last year, they built it in a canvas bag Dave left hanging on a chair on the porch. This year, they finally chose one of the birds’ nests that Dave put up in various places around the front porch.
If you know anything about Carolina Wrens, you’ll know they are tiny little birds with big voices. Their call is distinct and very loud. It’s funny that my husband often comments that the Carolina Wrens wake him up at 5:30 am every morning, and yet he still puts a bunch of bird houses up for them right outside our bedroom window. Funny man.
He said that they’re going to do it anyway, so why not give them somewhere better than an old bag or a toolbox.
This year I’ve captured a few photos of them nest building, gathering bugs, and delivering food to the nest. They are really fun to watch!

Carolina Wren Animal Symbolism
Whistle while you work. The busy wren is always doing something and it loves to sing – loud, strong and with delight. For such a tiny bird, it’s song is loud, clear and unmistakable.
Almost any time I’m outdoors, I’ll hear a wren singing and another one answering back from across the way.
Home is where you hang your hat. Male and female wrens work together rearing their young. Wrens will migrate wherever they wish at any time. They’re not married to one location, nor is the male married to one female. A male wren may build four nests to increase his odds of finding a mate. He’ll find a new mate for each mating season.
Carolina Wren Message: Sing out loud, sing out strong. Be yourself. Be flexible, adaptable, and resourceful. Go with the flow of life. Collaborate with others to increase your chances of success.