Hummingbird animal symbolism, hummingbird animal totem. Photo by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns
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Hearing God’s Messages in Nature: My Hummingbird Experience

Have you ever wondered how God communicates with us through the world around us, especially in nature? I recently had a profound experience that reaffirmed my belief in the divine messages that nature often holds for us.

My Journey with Nature and Prayer

I have a daily practice where I write out my prayers, read my scriptures, and then come back to write down what I feel God is telling me. This method helps me clear my mind and stay open to divine guidance.

A Divine Encounter with Hummingbirds

Yesterday, while I was grappling with a decision about whether to continue with something that didn’t seem to be working out, I sought clarity through prayer and journaling. As I wrote down that I felt I received an answer to continue, something amazing happened: a hummingbird hovered right in front of my face. Then, another one appeared, followed by a third. They all hovered around me without fighting—a rare occurrence, given that our hummingbirds are usually quite territorial.

Significance in the Signs: Hummingbird Animal Symbolism

This experience felt incredibly significant, so I wrote it down in my journal. Later, when I shared this with my husband, he reminded me that hummingbirds often show up when I’m working on a meaningful project that eventually succeeds. This realization helped me see a pattern I hadn’t noticed before.

As I looked up the symbolism of hummingbirds, I found that they represent freedom, creativity, and, most importantly, perseverance. This was exactly the message I needed.

How is God Speaking to You?

Everyone’s experience with divine messages in nature may differ. For some, it might be animals, birds, or even the wind in the trees. The key is to stay open and observe how God is communicating with you through the world around you.

Watch My YouTube Video

I’ve shared this experience in more detail in a YouTube video. Watch the video below to hear the full story and join me in exploring how we can all attune to the divine messages in nature.

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Note: At the end of this video, you’ll notice me looking down at something. Find out what it was and the addition message God sent me through one of his other creatures.

I truly hope you’ll find inspiration in this story and stay open to the ways God might be speaking to you through nature. Remember, divine messages are all around us, waiting to be discovered.

✨ Join My Align with the Divine Program

If you’d like to explore more ways to connect with God’s messages through nature and deepen your spiritual experience, consider joining my Align with the Divine: Living in Sacred Nature program. In this class, we delve into various tools and resources that help us hear and understand God’s messages in our daily lives.

📢 Sign up here:

🙏 Take care and God bless!

Share Your Experiences

I’d love to hear from you! Do you have any experiences where you felt God’s presence or guidance through nature? Share your stories in the comments below.

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