It’s a Partnership: Learning from the Earth and Nature Through the Spirit
The earth isn’t something beneath us to be fixed. It’s our partner in healing. Together with the earth and our Creator we can heal ourselves and nature.
My husband, Dave, and I had the opportunity to present about how we partner with and learn from nature as part of the “In the Company of Stewards” series.
Is removing invasive plants just a chore? Or can we learn something from it? After pulling out large swaths of privet, an invasive plant found in Georgia, Dave and I asked ourselves, “What in your life is crowding out the good?“
God is always speaking to us through the parables of nature. Not only can we learn to hear what He is saying, but also we can learn to partner with Him and the earth to create mutual healing for the earth and ourselves.
Watch “In the Company of Stewards” below to hear about lessons we’ve learned from centenarian trees, stinging nettle, wildflowers and more.