5 Ways to Find Peace in a Turbulent World
It can be frustrating, stressful, and overwhelming to deal with the challenges of our time. While we have so many modern conveniences, we’re also inundated with conflicting opinions, accusations, theories and negativity.
Almost everyone craves more peace and hope. It seems the more we listen to the media, the more we’re exposed to things that steal our peace and our hope. The media is primarily a business selling eyeballs for ad revenue. It’s to their advantage to stir up contention, discord, and fear. They’re appealing to our baser emotions and prey on our fear of missing out on something important. They have many trained to think that if you’re not keeping up with all the “news” (and I use that word sarcastically), then you might not be prepared for the next calamity.
You may be like me. You might have decided to stop watching so much news. You may be curtailing the time you spend on social media or viewing mainstream media. Cutting back on the noise is a great way to have more peace in your life.
Yet, even doing that, you may discover that you need some more tools to get through life’s challenges with less fear and more faith, less frustration and more peace. Here are five tips for finding more peace in your daily life.
- REMEMBER a time you felt peace, even when things were crazy or hopeless. Recall it with vivid detail by writing it, talking about it, or sharing it with someone else. Every peaceful, joyful encounter with the Divine is a doorway back to those feelings.
- SPEND TIME IN NATURE. Go for a walk outside, and really observe the beauty of it. Notice the colors, the lighting, the breeze on your face, the clouds. Smell some flowers! See the perfection in what is. Even if it’s a dreary, drab day, there will be something of perfect beauty. Look for it, and you will find it.
- BREATHE! Breathe deeply. Notice your breath, focus on feeling the air going in and out of your nose. Release everything else. Focus only on your breath for 5 or 10 minutes. If thoughts arise, release them and go back to focusing on the air going in and out of your nose and how that feels.
- CHOOSE PEACE WITH YOUR THOUGHTS. Notice your thoughts. Which ones are fueling your peace? Which ones are fueling frustration, fear, or anger? Feed peace and starve turmoil by releasing the thoughts that do not serve your peace.
- LOOK FOR THE GOOD. Present in this moment is everything you need. Believe it’s there, expect it to be there, look for it, and open yourself to receiving the good.
To learn more about how to find peace in our turbulent world, sign up for my free online course here.

Featured Image: Hooded Mergansers flying over Mud Creek, Winneconne, Wisconsin, taken by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, Copryright, March 2023.