Do I Really Have to Select a Niche? Or Specialty?

Do I Really Have to Select a Niche? Or Specialty?

Do you have trouble selecting a niche? Does it feel like all the other possibilities die when you have to zone in on one thing? Or like you’re being too restricted if you have to select one pathway? If so, you might be an iNtuitive on the Meyers-Briggs Personality Theory. iNtuitives often struggle selecting a…

Is Fear of Criticism Killing Your Creativity?

Is Fear of Criticism Killing Your Creativity?

Are you nervous or afraid about putting your creativity into the world for fear it will be criticized, judged, or ridiculed? Maybe you’re afraid people will misunderstand or twist what you say? Maybe you’re concerned people will say mean things about you or your creations? Fear of criticism is a very real concern in today’s…

Encouragement When You’re Feeling Discouraged or Alone

Encouragement When You’re Feeling Discouraged or Alone

Do you ever feel discouraged? Lonely? Like nobody really cares or understands you and what you’re going through? You may feel like God has asked you to do something that is beyond you. That’s how the prophet Jeremiah felt. The encouragement the Father gave Jeremiah is equally applicable to you. Encouragement from the Father “Before…