An Empathic Encounter with Mother Earth
What I learned from my empathic encounter with Mother Earth which could revolutionize the way we heal the earth and ourselves.
While spending some time at the Airport Mesa in Sedona, Arizona, I had a unique experience connecting with Mother Earth. This rather empathic encounter with the earth enlightened me about our symbiotic relationship. What I learned from Mother Earth is that she isn’t something to be fixed. She is our partner in healing. When we work together with the earth, we will heal ourselves and her. We will also have the ability to live in greater love, peace and compassion with each other.
I wrote about this experience in my new book, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature“ published by Spirit Tree Publishing.
The following video is an excerpt from the audiobook version of Chapter 1: The Ancient Origins of Sacredness. The book is now available on Audible as well as Kindle, paperback and hardback.
Get your copy of Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature on Audible or in paperback, kindle or hardcover. I also have a deck of affirmation cards that accompany the book. They’re a fun way to learn more about how to hear God in nature by understanding the symbols through which He is constantly speaking to us.