Syncing Up with Nature
My husband and I went on a 3.5 hour canoe trip the last Friday in July, 2022. I’ve been taking a 45 Days to Awakening course with Dr. Jeffrey Martin and have noticed several shifts in myself as a result. On Friday’s trip down the West Chickamauga Creek, I seemed more connected and synced up with nature. The colors, lighting, and reflections on the water were surreal. Everything seemed more alive. I felt completely serene and at peace throughout the trip, even when we came upon some choppy shallow waters that required getting out of the canoe and walking over them.
Normally, my husband is much more observant and connected to nature than I am. He’s my finder and points out where birds, animals and unusual items are while I photograph.

Friday, I was seeing birds he didn’t see. He would point something out, and I’d already be on it, photographing it.
For example, normally there is a bit of delay between when I see a bird and am able to get my camera on the bird to photograph it. Friday, it was like I knew where a bird would be. I’d have my camera pointed somewhere, and then a bird would fly right in front of my view so that I got photos immediately. My photos weren’t all focused, but I took ones I normally would have missed in the past because there would have been too much delay between seeing and acting.
It was like my consciousness was synced up with nature.
Great Blue Heron Leading the Way
The first half of the trip we were trailing a great blue heron. I’d spot it every once in a while as we went down the creek. I got several photos of it from a distance. It was like I knew where the heron was going to be and already had my camera ready. I even spotted one of the heron’s feathers. It was like he left me a present.

I love great blue herons. They are my spirit animal. These aren’t the best photos I’ve taken of herons. If you’d like to see some much better ones, I took some about a month ago on Mud Creek in Winneconne Wisconsin.
Beaver and a Kingfisher
After we found the great blue heron feather, we didn’t see the great blue anymore. The next leg of the trip we were following a beaver. He swam along, bobbing up and down the water’s surface. We followed him for about ten minutes.
Next we followed a kingfisher down the creek. I got lots of photos of the kingfisher. He wasn’t as far away as the great blue heron was. This is a new bird for me to photograph, so I’m excited to have so many of him from various angles.

After the kingfisher, the next bird we encountered ahead of us was a green heron. I recently photographed a green heron when we were on Mud Creek in Winneconne Wisconsin last month.


You’re almost always going to see a doe and fawns along the West Chickamauga Creek and the Chickamauga Battlefield that it cuts through. We have them on our property a lot. But it’s rare to see a buck.
It was a treat for me to catch a few photos of this buck loping away. None of my photos of him were incredibly clear, but it was a mini-miracle I got the photos I did.
If you’re interested, I have a blog on deer symbolism here,
Snapping Turtle

One animal I didn’t see, but Dave did, was a large snapping turtle. Dave pointed him out just in time for me to snap a photograph before he slipped into the water.
We felt like the birds and beaver were taking turns leading us. I felt an unusual connection with each creature. The whole trip was a surreal experience. So fun!
I’m enjoying this 45 Days to Awakening course and am noticing subtle shifts in my connection with nature, my ability to stay calm and centered, and to roll with whatever comes, yet be clear and calm when there’s a need to speak up for myself or others.