Nature Poem: The Treasures of the Season
This is a nature poem I wrote April 10, 2022 about the changing of the seasons and the new lens through which I am seeing the world. Not only is my camera helping me to discover hidden treasures, but also I’m learning to be more observant – to listen and look at nature in new ways. I’m finding the lessons, symbols and messages broadcasting through nature; and it’s changing my life for the better.

Upon thy crusted ground I walk
Around the tree stripped bare.
The beaver gnawed and ate a ring
About thy base right there.
A green tuft springs off to my left.
And a creek beyond me flows.
Smooth ripples green beneath the rye,
The banks’ verdant blankets grow.
Chickadee, wren, and gnat-catcher too
Sing songs amidst the trees.
I close my eyes and listen still
To all they say to me.

Sing-song, dee-dee waft from the trees,
As I repose on a boulder strong.
The sun beams down upon my knees
The breeze brings relief, not long.
Buzz-swish, a bee goes whizzing by.
The cycles make their round.
As I visit familiar spots afresh
Each season’s treasures abound.
Each winter I long for spring
to warm my bones and bring the green.
This winter with a new lens I’ve seen
Gems that gleam as all the world was dark.

Today I say goodbye to winter
With a melancholy heart.
My one-time enemy and I,
At last as friends we part.
“I’ll see thee at years’ end,” I say.
Then face spring’s tsunami bright.
With fresh eyes to see,
I know I’ll find new treasures in the light.
Written by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns
April 10, 2022