Mockingbirds and Your Soul’s Song
Mockingbirds are excellent symbols of discovering your Soul’s Song and singing it for all to hear. Interestingly enough, mockingbirds have the ability to copy other birds’ songs and even to sound like a cat or a dog. They use imitation to both attract other birds to their area and to drive away unwanted birds by sounding like a predator.

You might think that mocking another creature’s song is not being oneself. But the mockingbird learns to communicate by imitating different sounds. By bringing everything together, they have perfected the art of communication. Many times our willingness to learn from others, helps us tap into our own creativity and craft our own message and our own song.
Years ago I made this funny video with my colleague, Laura West, about how we can play off another person’s ideas to build our own. This makes me think of the mockingbird and how creativity comes as we build off ideas that already exist to create something that is our own:
Mockingbirds Have Great Boundaries
Mockingbirds are known for being protective of their own and having great boundaries. They will drive away anything that might threaten their young. Mockingbirds show us that sometimes we have to have the hard conversations and communicate our boundaries well with others.
Native American Mockingbird Animal Symbolism
“Native American culture features Mockingbird in both folklore and myths. Both the Pueblo and Hopi have Mockingbird as part of creation, teaching humans how to speak. Southeastern tribes credit Mockingbird with intelligence. Among the Shasta, this creature guards the dead, and the Maricopa hold Mockingbird as a Medicine Animal who imparts special powers. And thanks to this Bird’s communication skills, the Pima stories characterize Mockingbird as a diplomat and peace-maker.” What’s My Spirit Animal
The Mockingbird and Your Soul’s Song
When discovering your own Soul’s Song, don’t be afraid to experiment, even imitate traits and characteristics that you value in others. We can learn so much from others. I know I have learned an immense amount about nature and enjoying life from my husband. Dave is a super model for joie de vivre. Just being around him has helped me relax, cut loose, and have more fun in life. I told him I’m going to live to be 100 because he makes me laugh daily.
If you’d like to connect with your Soul’s Song, I invite you to download this free Soul’s Song Attunement I created. It’s a free MP3 audio you can listen to to help you discover your Soul’s Song.