Healing music, music therapy

Healing Music

Music has a universal power to heal the mind, heart and soul. I love creating music videos that incorporate nature elements and foster healing. I love to study animals and what they can teach us about life. This is often referred to as Spirit Animals or Animal Totems. Not only do animals have a lot to teach us, but so do rocks, crystals, trees, plants, herbs and sacred geometry. I compose music and videos that incorporate the lessons of all these elements to help you heal.

  • Wrapped in Divine Love: A Journey of Trust and Provision

    My friend, Kristine Farley, frequently reminds me to listen to the song “New Wine” by Hillsong (see video below). As I was listening to it yesterday, this line stood out to me: “I came here with nothing, but all you have given me, Jesus bring new wine out of me.” Suddenly, I saw myself as…

  • Experience Peace and Healing with Earth’s Serenade – Out Now! 🌿🎹

    I am thrilled to share the wonderful news that my new album, Earth’s Serenade, has officially been released today! You can now find it on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube, Spotify, and wherever music is streamed or sold. Explore Earth’s Serenade: Find it here This collection of extemporaneous piano compositions is deeply inspired by nature and infuses…

  • Sandhill Crane Animal Symbolism

    Sandhill cranes mate for life (or until their mate dies). They are very devoted to one another and model the ideal romantic relationship. They are a good symbol for a happy marriage. Sandhill cranes have a distinct trumpeting call. It sounds like a combination of the chirp of a trumpet mixed with a little rattle…

  • How to Experience Pure Joy

    Do you have trouble accessing pure joy? I did until I began practicing a new type of meditation called Pure Conscious Experience (PCE). Now, multiple times a week, I am able to tap into the most wonderous pure joy.

  • Mastering Your Craft

    Over the years, people have asked me, “How do you get so much done? How have you written over 32 books?” I wasn’t sure how to answer them. Then, as I was listening to Effortless Mastery by jazz pianist, Kenny Werner, I realized it comes down to the same thing that Kenny Werner talks about…

  • Angel Watching Over Me

    Wednesday, March 15th was the fifth anniversary of my mother’s passing. Ever since my mother became very ill a month before her death, I have processed my emotions through music. That has only increased since then. All my life, my mother has been the angel watching over me – whether in life or after her…

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