Goldfinch Animal Symbolism
Goldfinch are tiny bright yellow & black birds that eat seeds. They love thistle, cone flowers, coreopsis and live in flood plains. When you see goldfinch, here is what they symbolize (Goldfinch Animal Symbolism).

One of the major rewards for transitioning our front lawn into wildflowers is the “charm” of goldfinch that flit all over the cone flowers and coreopsis in our yard.
We enjoy sitting on our front porch and watching the goldfinch feed on the yellow flowers in the morning. My husband can see them from his office window. Today, he noticed the charm of goldfinch and called me to go out and snap some photos.
We’ve had heavy rain for two days and this has really made the flowers pop and attracted the goldfinches. I would say there were at least a dozen goldfinches darting between the flowers and an oak tree where they probably have their nests.
Goldfinch build very sturdy water-resistant nests. They’ve probably been holding up in those nests with the storms and are now ready to harvest a lot of seeds. Goldfinch are vegetarians and have one of the strictest diets of any bird. They feed their babies seeds, unlike other birds which feed theirs bugs, caterpillars and worms.
Goldfinch Animal Symbolism
Good Luck & Joy – Goldfinch are considered good luck. Their beautiful cheery bold yellow and black colors, their swift flight, and their distinctive song represent joy, happiness, creativity, potential and boldness.
Devotion & Parenting – Goldfinch are monogamous birds who stick with their mates for life. This and their co-parenting make them great symbols of devotion and parenthood.
Security & Community – Their water-resistant nests make goldfinches a symbol of security. They are very social birds who travel and live together in flocks which are called “charms.” Isn’t that a perfect name for such a charming bird?
Health – Europeans considered goldfinches a symbol of health. Goldfinches generally live in flood plain areas (which we live in, by the way). Thistles are plentiful in this type of terrain and goldfinch love to eat thistles. Europeans used thistles to treat the plague so seeing goldfinches meant there were probably thistles nearby that were a medicinal treasure.

“There is a sweet cheerfulness in this little bird and in the creature’s heartening song. Remaining positive and finding simple, sublime happiness in your life cannot be overstressed. Celebrate every sparkle in your journey and stay true to your vision.”
Goldfinch Symbolism & Meaning
Dexterity – Goldfinches are very good with their beaks and feet. They have excellent dexterity in using them to harvest little seeds from flowers. Thus, they also are symbols of dexterity and detail.
Sing Your Soul’s Song! Goldfinch remind us to sing our soul’s song. Be bold and use our voices to inspire and uplift others.
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