Finding Heavenly Mother
Around noon, Dave and I went for a walk to the creek. I carried along my camera and my notebook with the objective of sitting on what we call the Intention Rock by the creek. It’s a great place to center myself, ponder, and photograph birds. When we first entered the field, Dave pointed to what he thought was a purple martin flying directly overhead. For the next two hours as we walked and I sat along the creek, I heard several birds but saw none. I literally saw no birds, even though I intently scanned the trees toward the calls of cardinals, tufted titmouse, blue gray gnatcatcher, mockingbird, brown thrasher and Eastern Phoebe.
Eventually, I decided to play my Native American flute a little bit as I sat on the Intention Rock. After Dave left to go back inside to work, I moved toward what we call the Fairy Garden to see if I might spot a turtle or otter.
As I walked in the lush green grass, I had a prayer in my heart about something I’ve been pondering of late. Some friends and I have been talking about Heavenly Mother – the Divine Feminine. It seems to us that if we wish to step into our full womanhood, knowing and understanding the Divine Feminine would be a worthy pursuit. As a group, we’ve decided to ponder and pray to know Her better.
“Teach me more. Please show me my Heavenly Mother,” I pleaded with the Father as I walked along the creekbank.

He pointed to a delicate purple and white flower near my feet.
“Would you please teach me about her?” I asked.
A gentle breeze kissed my cheek.
“Could she speak to me and I with her?”
A songbird’s trill echoed through the treetops.

“I would like to know her,” I said.
My attention drew to vibrant green grass cushioning a path to a large pawpaw tree.
“I wonder what she looks like,” I mused.
“Look in the mirror, my dear,” He said.

As I left the Fairy Garden and entered the rolling field of green dotted with yellow flowers, I thought of my earthly mother. The flowers she planted and which still bloom near her home remind me of her. They are a part of her left behind. And sometimes when I look in the mirror, I catch a glimpse of her smiling back at me.
What if our Heavenly Mother’s fingerprint is everywhere in the world but we simply do not see?
“Does she remember me? Is she mindful of me?” I wondered.

I set out across the field and what should appear soaring over my head? A Great Blue Heron, whose message is “God is watching over you. God is mindful of you.” (Click here to discover more about Great Blue Heron Symbolism.)
I smiled and thanked God for this sign. Today, as I spent a little time with Father and Mother, they let me know very clearly that they remember me and are mindful of me today and every day. All I need is eyes to see and ears to hear.
In the heav’ns are parents single?
“O, My Father,” by Eliza R. Snow 1804-1807
No, the thought makes reason stare!
Truth is reason; truth eternal
Tells me I’ve a mother there.