Field Sparrow Animal Symbolism
The field sparrow teaches us that no matter how small and insignificant we may feel, we matter to God and His eye is upon us. While out birdwatching, I captured this photo of a field sparrow that reminded me of God’s love for me and especially for those I am called to serve.
I took this photo of a buff-colored field sparrow with a pink beak and pink feet in a woody, brush area near our field. Since this native-to-North America sparrow loves to be in woods and open fields, the place we spotted it on our property makes sense – it is the edge of both woods and field.
According to Cornell University,, ‘They’ll breed in fields that were recently burned or cultivated as long as there are some trees or other perches available, but will abandon such settings as thickets of trees grow back. ”
We just burned a patch of our field the other day to sow wildflowers. This might be another reason the field sparrow chose this spot to hang out. It will be interesting to see if he calls in a mate to join him.
Field Sparrow Eating and Nesting Habits
Field sparrows are omnivores. They eat small seeds and grass primarily in the winter. As summer comes, about half their diet is comprised of small insects and spiders. Field sparrows attract a lot of predators, but they can be pretty good about staying away from them if they make it past the first year of life. They can live to be 8.5 years old.
Typically, a male field sparrow arrives on a spot first and claims his territory, driving off any other males. He’s there about 10-20 days before singing to draw in a female to mate. The female chooses a nesting spot and weaves the nest out of grass strands. Early in the spring, a female may build her nest on the ground, but later as snakes are out, she’ll build her nest a foot to ten feet off the ground.
Field sparrows like to build nests in blackberry bushes, coralberry bushes, honeysuckle and St. Johns Wart. When I read this on, I realized we have the blackberry, coralberry and honeysuckle naturally. Dave just traded some of our papaw seeds and rivercane with a couple from a neighboring farm for St. John’s Wart. He planted the St. John’s Wart in our wildflower spiral.
The female field sparrow lays between 2 and 5 eggs. The male and female feed their young with bugs like caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, flies and bees. Field sparrows tend to be monogamous. They also travel in loose flocks at some seasons of the year.
Sparrow Animal Symbolism
Jesus taught that even though sparrows are small, God is mindful of them. He used them as a symbolic message to us that even when we feel small or insignificant that God is mindful of us as well.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-30
His Eye Is On the Sparrow
One of my favorite songs is “His Eye Is On the Sparrow” made popular by Mahalia Jackson
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me. *
Dave and I work with a lot of clients who are hoping to make a difference in the world. They have messages to share, important systems to help people. Yet, they often feel small and insignificant, as if they don’t matter or what they have to say won’t make a difference. Maybe they feel overwhelmed by the process. Or they might feel like no one will listen to them, or that they aren’t capable, worthy or deserving of making a difference. One of the main things we work with clients on, is realizing that they do matter and their voices matter. Then, we guide them through the process of being heard.
The little field sparrow reminds us of our significance. Our Soul’s Song brightens the world just as the little sparrow’s does. God notices the sparrow, and He most certainly notices and loves you!
If you’d like to connect with your Soul’s Song and impact the world in your own unique way, let’s talk. Please stop by my calendar and book a free 20-minute Strategy Session here.
*”His Eye Is On the Sparrow” was written by: C D MARTIN, CHARLES HUTCHISON GABRIEL. Lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc. Find full lyrics here.
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