Tirschenreuth View of Bridge
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European Family History Trip: Day 4 – Tirschenreuth

October 11, 2024 (Falkenberg, Germany) — We spent this day with the Rasp family. Gerhard Rasp is a distant cousin of Dave’s through his Mark line. Gerhard’s ancestor was a sibling of Viktoria Mark who married Johann Kuhns. The couple immigrated to Wisconsin in the 1800’s from Falkenberg, Germany.

We love the Rasps. They are so kind and generous. Gerhard introduced Dave to various people and places who could help him in his research and his wife Doris and son Leopold spoke English well and kept me in the loop. I learned so much about Germany and their lifestyle from Doris and Leopold.

In fact, when I think of the German people, I will forever think of the Rasps and have a fond space in my heart for them.

Doris made us a delicious lunch and then Gerhard and Doris took us on a tour of their beautiful town – Tirschenreuth, Bavaria, Germany. It was such a pleasant stroll and so beautiful. I even got a duck photo. Nature, birds, beautiful architecture, and wonderful people … perfect!

Notice the wooden fish and the colorful blue fish in these photos. In these small Bavarian towns like Tirschenreuth and Falkenberg where fishing is a big part of their lives, the townspeople decorate fish and prominently display them in their towns.

After a stroll around the town, we stopped at a bäckerei for some hot chocolate and apple cake. That evening, I had a relaxing evening chatting with Doris while the guys went to Gerhard’s soccer practice. He is a coach for FC Tirschenreuth Fussball Soccer.

Danke Shein to the Rasp Family!

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