Drop the Old Stories That No Longer Serve You
Are you overwhelmed or stressed by everything on your plate? Do you long for more peace and more downtime, but you simply can’t figure out how to find the time?
What if letting something go — even something that is a very big part of you — is the solution for more peace, more happiness, better balance and being able to serve and nourish those you love in a better way?
Or perhaps you’ve suffered devastating loss(es), and you’re not even feeling like yourself anymore. Maybe you feel like you can’t do what you used to be able to do … like you’re broken or damaged in some way.
I know how that feels. I know what it’s like to think small – smaller than I used to. I used to feel like I could do anything: that God was on my side and together we could figure anything out. I haven’t been feeling that way about business for a while.
About a decade ago, I made some choices which felt right to me, but that sent me into a five-year period of devastating losses that impacted my livelihood, my family, my relationships, and my hopes and dreams for the future. Miraculously, God turned my life around and made it downright magical. And yet, when it comes to business, I have felt broken and incapable of succeeding on a significant level. I still have confidence to create. I just haven’t had the confidence that those creations will have any significant influence.
You’re not thinking big enough
About a week ago, God told me outright, “You’re not thinking big enough.” At the time, I wasn’t sure what I needed to think bigger about. I trust what comes and am happy letting God bring me what He feels I need. After some reflection, I realized that I wasn’t thinking big enough about Who is on my side.
Dave and I have a message we feel God asking us to deliver. But I really have no clue how to deliver it in a significant way. All the methods and means of getting positive messages out in the world that I used to have, don’t seem to work anymore. They don’t seem to make a dent. God is clearly telling me … “Don’t lean on your own power. Lean on Mine!”
As I was praying this morning, I felt an unusual sense of confidence return as I prayed to be centered in my Core Sacred Self. I felt incredibly aligned and felt that, at my core, I’m a wise being of light who has a direct channel to the God of the Universe who knows how to do EVERYTHING. Why was I telling myself a limiting story instead?
Are you choosing limitation or empowerment?
I have literally used my power of choice to choose limitation. To choose to think and play small. As I prayed, I told God, “I choose to be a confident, wise woman who has access to Your knowledge and power. I choose to be aligned with your mind, heart, and will. I choose to be one with Thee. And I choose to have the confidence that a person who truly believes that God is on her side would have.”
The parable of the Old Woman of the Woods
After getting up from my prayer, I had an idea for a video that I wanted to make with the Old Woman of the Woods (a pre-Civil War oak on our property). Dave went out yesterday; and to his horror, one of the biggest limbs that had formerly been jutting out to the South had fallen. We’ve not had recent thunderstorms, no lightening to bring down the limb.
Dave immediately felt fear, distress, and concern. What happened to make her lose such a huge limb? Then as he tuned in with the Old Woman, he realized that what appeared to be a devastating loss was actually a good thing. These types of oaks are self-pruning. The huge limb would have eventually made the tree more susceptible to toppling over.
Also, the pawpaws and other trees beneath the limb never would have borne fruit because of the shade. Now there’s an opening in the canopy which allows the natural light to flow in.
Oaks are a keystone species. Hundreds of other life forms depend on them for nourishment, protection, and even communication. Trees convey nutrients and information through their root systems to other trees and plants. Birds, squirrels and other animals and insects live in them.
Literally, the Old Woman of Woods is a mother on our property. She is a vital being, not only to us, but also to other creatures and creations.
As I went out to assess the damage myself this morning, I commiserated with the Old Woman who had lost her “arm.” I know what it’s like to both literally and figuratively feel like you’ve lost your right arm… like you can’t do what you used to. You’re broken. Nothing works like it used to.
What do I need to let go?
As I stared at that humongous tree branch on the ground, I realized that God, through the Old Woman of the Woods, is telling me to let some things go. I asked myself, “What do I need to release? What is an integral part of me that no longer serves me?”

Then the answer came. I need to release my old story of how “I can’t deliver messages online like I used to. I can’t make a difference or have the impact that I used to have. What used to work doesn’t work anymore.” None of those stories serves me.
How can God deliver a message through me to the world, if I’m acting like a resistor, clamping off the power of the message by my small, limited thinking? Why have I been using my ability to choose to get in the way of what God wants said or done?
Perhaps that’s why the confidence came this morning as I prayed, because I chose to align my will with God’s will. To be one with his mind, heart, love and will. In that moment, I stopped resisting and began receiving. I became a conduit, not a resistor.
So, I ask you: are there old stories you need to let go? What if you knew you had God’s infinite power on your side to do the things you feel led to do? What would you think or say? How would you act? What would be possible? Drop the story! Choose a new one that aligns you with the infinite power of our all-powerful Creator!
Let’s talk!
Want to talk about your situation and how to reframe it? What can you release in your life that would help you grow straighter, taller, balanced? How can you rewrite your story and choose a better way? Could there be a way to allow other people to get more of their nutrients and light straight from God instead of feeling like you have to carry their burdens and yours? Book a free 20-minute consultation with me and let’s explore some solutions.
Image of woman tossing old stories created by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns with Bing AI.