Woods, junipers, sunlight, spiderwebs
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Embracing Serenity: Finding Joy Amid Life’s Chaos

My husband and I have a lot on our plates. We have elderly fathers in their 90s who are not in the best of health, and we have numerous repairs and upgrades planned for our house and property in the coming months. On top of that, my father will be moving in with us full-time….

Live from your Core Sacred Self and find the power to choose peace
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Embrace Your Core Sacred Self™: Finding Peace Amidst Life’s Chaos

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get swept away by worries, fear, or the weight of our past mistakes. Yet within each of us lies a profound source of peace and strength: the Core Sacred Self™. This concept is deeply explored in my book, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature,”…

Meditative Journey
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Standing Strong in a World of Deception: Empowering Your Spirit Against Darkness

Many people today are struggling to feel a sense of security in a world rampant with deception and discord. Even if you try to keep your chin up and look for the good, the world’s darkness can dampen your spirits. As a Certified SimplyALIGN Method™ Practitioner and a Christian coach, I’m seeing a common thread…

Orange butterfly on rosemary
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November Butterflies

The tinkling of delicate windchimes dangling from my front porch are an auditory companion to the invisible breeze that brushes my cheeks. I marvel at the fuchsia roses with their indigo auras that still bloom on the opposite side of the white porch rail. The vivid green of new leaves contrast with the dried, shriveled…

Hooded Mergansers flying over Mud Creek, Winneconne, Wisconsin, taken by Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, March 2023

5 Ways to Find Peace in a Turbulent World

It can be frustrating, stressful, and overwhelming to deal with the challenges of our time. While we have so many modern conveniences, we’re also inundated with conflicting opinions, accusations, theories and negativity. Almost everyone craves more peace and hope. It seems the more we listen to the media, the more we’re exposed to things that…

Rebecca Clark of Move Your Desk Podcast interviews Marnie Pehrson Kuhns about Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature

Sacred Nature

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Rebecca Clark for her “Move Your Desk” podcast, and it was a delightful experience. Rebecca is a great interviewer. We had never spoken before the camera started rolling so it was a fun off-the-cuff conversation that explored everything from creativity and following inspired ideas to photography, nature…

It’s a Partnership: Learning from the Earth and Nature Through the Spirit
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It’s a Partnership: Learning from the Earth and Nature Through the Spirit

The earth isn’t something beneath us to be fixed. It’s our partner in healing. Together with the earth and our Creator we can heal ourselves and nature. My husband, Dave, and I had the opportunity to present about how we partner with and learn from nature as part of the “In the Company of Stewards”…

red-tailed hawk animal symbolism
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Animal Symbolism: Robin, Hawk, Great Blue Heron and Dove

The carriers of messages from the Creator today were the robin, hawk, great blue heron and mourning dove. Their messages gave me peace and focus. The last month as I’ve put “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” into print along with the journal and card deck, I’ve been tested on the…

Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature
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Finding Peace in a Turbulent World

You Know Jesus, But Are You Experiencing His Peace in Your Daily Life? Are you feeling overwhelmed and inundated by challenges that make you feel trapped, confused, or frustrated? Are you worried about the state of the planet or politics? Your problems may be closer to home – like an aging parent, a loved one…

Butterfly at Airport Mesa in Sedona - Mother Earth's Message of Healing for Mankind

Sedona Airport Mesa Vortex and Mother Earth’s Message of Healing for Mankind

We visited Sedona, Arizona this week and part of our exploration was to visit some of the spots designated as vortexes. According to a placard at the Airport Mesa, “Vortexes are believed by some to be energy sites that enhance meditation, healing, and creativity. A vortex is not one particular site, but a general area…