Chickweed Hemp Heart Pesto Recipe
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Chickweed Hemp Heart Pesto Recipe

During the summer we grow basil and make pesto. When basil’s not in season, we have plenty of chickweed growing around our raised beds in winter and spring. So, I make this Chickweed Hemp Heart Pesto. We really enjoy it. It’s lighter in color and flavor than the basil pesto. About Chickweed Chickweed grows low…

Eat Your Yard: Sweet Tea Alternative

Eat Your Yard: Sweet Tea Alternative

Most of the time when people weed their gardens, they throw away the things they consider “weeds,” but many common weeds are actually edible and good for you! For example, the “weeds” in this video make a delicious sweet tea alternative that is healthier for you and good for allergies. In the video below, you’ll…

Teriyaki Chicken of the Woods Recipe
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Teriyaki Chicken of the Woods Recipe

Enjoy healthy, nutritious Chicken of the Woods in stir-fry teriyaki. Here’s my Teriyaki Chicken of the Woods recipe. Our old oak tree we call “The Old Woman of the Woods” has some Chicken of the Woods mushroom growing at her base this season. Unfortunately, this means she’s probably dying, rotting inside, and has the potential…

Salad Art Using Native Plants and Flowers

Salad Art Using Native Plants and Flowers

We love to take big salad bowls and walk around our yard and garden, building our salads like we’re at a salad bar. We gather a combination of cultivar plants and native plants and flowers to build colorful, delicious and nutritious salads. I showed my husband my salad today, and he said, “It’s like salad art.”

Nature Poem: The Treasures of the Season
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Nature Poem: The Treasures of the Season

This is a nature poem I wrote April 10, 2022 about the changing of the seasons and the new lens through which I am seeing the world. Not only is my camera helping me discover hidden treasures, but also I’m learning to be more observant – to listen and look at nature in new ways. I’m finding the lessons, symbols, and messages broadcasting through nature; and it’s changing my life for the better.