Female Eastern Towhee Animal Mimicry - looks like a dog

Female Eastern Towhee Mimicry Camouflage Looks Like a Dog!

There are some animals and insects in nature that look like more menacing creatures to keep predators away. For example, I’ve seen a moth that looks like a bird of prey when its wings are closed. Today, I took several photos of a female eastern towhee that had the coolest mimicry camouflage! From behind, her…

squirrel at bird feeder - 1200 x 628

Squirrel Animal Symbolism and Facts

Here in Northwest Georgia, we have lots of squirrels. They love the hickory nuts and black walnuts on our property. My husband’s arch nemesis is a fat squirrel who loves to raid our birdfeeder on the back porch. For the Native Americans, squirrels were symbols of trust, preparedness, and thriftiness. Trusting Squirrels are one of…