Animal Symbolism: Robin, Hawk, Great Blue Heron and Dove
The carriers of messages from the Creator today were the robin, hawk, great blue heron and mourning dove. Their messages gave me peace and focus.
The last month as I’ve put “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” into print along with the journal and card deck, I’ve been tested on the principles the book shares.
Moving my daughter and then my dad and then cleaning out the house my parents lived in for 56 years has been a daunting undertaking. I’m more of a spiritual/thinking person. Logistics in the “real world” are generally outside my wheelhouse. I’ve tried to stay centered, lean on the Lord, and trust the next step and the next and the next. As I’ve done that, “angels on earth” have volunteered to help me without me even asking, and my husband has been my rock.
For the last month my dad has also had some minor health challenges which require me to take him to PT 2-3 days a week and 1-2 doctors each week. I feel like I live in my car.
Working on the Finding Peace projects has been a welcome respite. But making time to connect to my Core Sacred Self through nature has been difficult. When you’re constantly go-go-go, if you don’t set a clear intention to connect, it doesn’t happen. Generally, I get that connection time when I’m driving. I’ve listened to uplifting music as I’ve been driving, and I have also listened to “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World” on audio, which has been a good way to anchor me to my memories of calmer times.
Finally, a Welcomed Nature Rest
As I had the chance to relax in a hammock between two shagbark hickory trees this afternoon and watch the clouds drift, I felt so much gratitude for the sunlight, the blue skies and the clouds. So perfect! As I lay there, I asked God that if He had a message to share with me, to please send me some birds or other creatures to convey what I needed to know.

Robin Animal Symbolism
The first bird I spotted high in a tree was most likely a robin. Robins have to do with relationships, romance and spring. Probably a reminder to take time to nurture my marriage amidst all the responsibilities on our shoulders.
Red-Tailed Hawk Animal Symbolism
Next, a red-tailed hawk circled around our front yard a couple times, and I was able to get some decent photos of it. Red-tailed hawks represent Determination, Courage and Love/Forgiveness. They show up to tell us to keep going, stick with it, forgive those who might cause difficulty, but stay the course.
Great Blue Heron Animal Symbolism
Next a great-blue heron flew over me and reminded me that God is with me.
Mourning Dove Animal Symbolism
Finally, a mourning dove perched in a nearby tree reminding me to seek the Spirit and relax into the peace God has to offer me.
I love how God speaks to us in nature and gives us just the wisdom we need in the moment. What is God saying to you today through the world around you?