Sunday Messengers – Life Lessons from Birds
I enjoy looking for patterns, so Sunday as I watched the birds from my back deck, I started thinking about what messages they may be conveying to me. Each bird is unique and has something to tell us. I thought it would be fun in this post to go through the birds I photographed on Sunday, March 20, 2022, and look for their meanings and see if there is any pattern in their meanings.
I’m exploring along with you here. I don’t know exactly what I’ll discover as I go through this process in writing this blog. So this will be fun!

Blue Jay
Blue Jays are fearless, curious, resourceful, resilient, intelligent, brave and sometimes savage with their enemies. They are very protective, very social. They are known for their loud crow-like call. They can even imitate red-tailed hawks.
Blue Jays are the warning signals of nature. Their warning call alerts other birds and woodland creatures that a predator is near. They are not scared of humans. They’ll even follow you around, curious about what you’re up to. Blue Jays are loyal, they mate for life.
Blue Jays don’t overthink their nest location. They find a spot that will work and start building. No analysis paralysis with these birds.
Blue Jay Message: Speak out, stand up for yourself. Seize opportunities. Be fearless and curious. Be willing to defend others who need your help. Be strong and resilient and stand up for what is important to you. Blue Jays may be telling you that you are a person of influence. You’re here to be noticed. People look up to you. Make sure what you say and do is in harmony with your core values.
Downy Woodpecker
Woodpeckers are great communicators. Most have a loud distinct call and they use their beaks like a drum, tapping out messages to other woodpeckers or just drumming along for fun.
Woodpecker Message: The woodpecker reminds us to communicate clearly and to have fun with our self-expression. Be willing to stand out!
Native Americans believed that woodpeckers meant traveling into the astral plane. They were considered messengers, repeatedly conveying truth, delivering their prophetic messages with perseverance and tenacity.
My article on Woodpecker Animal Symbolism has more info on these fun creatures.

Carolina Chickadee
Carolina chickadees represent sublime happiness and contentment. Chickadees rarely migrate. They store up food and tend to stay in groups so they can protect each other from hawks and other predators.
The chickadee brings joy and serenity. She has her own language that birdwatchers can learn. The “dee” in her name (Chick-a-dee) is an indicator. One “dee” in her song indicates something familiar and non-threatening like, “Hey, come check out this birdfeeder, guys!”
Multiple “dees” is a warning signal that something of concern or dangerous is near.
Carolina Chickadee Message: Chickadee reminds us to relax into contentment, happiness, and joy. They remind us to collaboration and communication with others.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Read the section above on the Downy Woodpecker for the meaning and symbolism of woodpeckers.
Notice that the red-bellied woodpecker has a bright strip of red from the eyes back to behind the neck, whereas the downy woodpecker has a thin red band across the back of the head. Downy woodpeckers are also smaller than red-bellied woodpeckers.

Eastern Kingbird
Native American lore called the Kingbird “the chief or king of the lower birds, or the birds who are nearer the earth.” Kingbirds represent:
- Balanced vision
- Love of open spaces
- Aggressive in defending home and family
- Fearlessness
- Tenacity
- Blue Jays are their enemies
- To communicate, they do not have a musical call. They have a very high-pitched trill that’s a buzzing sound. Ornithologists in the past have described it as an ‘electric fence.’
Kingbird Message: Be fearless and tenacious. Seek for balance. Even if your voice isn’t pretty, still use it to communicate and draw what you want to you!
Wait! What? A Squirrel? That’s not a bird! But he thinks he is… trying to figure out how to raid that birdfeeder. Rather than discard the squirrel from my observation as a nuisance, I thought I better remind myself of his meaning in case he’s a clue to the big picture.
Squirrels possess the following traits:
- Trusting
- Preparedness
- Intelligence
- Agility
Squirrel Message: When squirrels show up in your life, they could be reminding you to prepare for the future, to be a little more thrifty, or to utilize your intellect and agility to sidestep obstacles and achieve your goals. Or maybe there’s no spiritual message for you at all… maybe you put out a bird feeder and they can’t resist raiding an easy stash!

Pine Warbler
Pine warblers are vocal, carefree, talented and sociable. They say:
- Express your ideas and opinions,
- Let your voice be heard.
- Be more vocal about your feelings.
- Let your personality shine through.
- Be focused and develop your talents
Pine Warbler Message: Discover and sing your Soul’s Song!
Cowbirds are on nature’s clean up crew. They follow cattle, bison and buffalo around and eat the bugs and parasites that would bring disease to the animals and humans.
“Cowbird teaches you to find the endless well of joy and magic within, all while helping you open your mind for spiritual exploration.” (Source: What Is My Spirit Animal?)
Cowbirds look like they are lazy because they build no nest and do not care for their young. They slip their eggs into other birds nests. This parental abdication allows them to pursue a nomadic lifestyle following cattle around. What looks like malicious behavior actually serves the greater good.
Cowbird Message: Cowbirds are a reminder not to judge others. What looks like selfish or lazy behavior may serve some greater purpose… if we stop to really analyze the impact. Cowbirds are a reminder to live in harmony with your divine purpose. A misplaced cowbird (that has no cattle to follow) doesn’t bring its gifts fully to the world.
Read my post, The Cowbird Parable, for more insights.

Northern Cardinal
They say, “When a cardinal is here, angels are near.”
Cardinal Messages:
- Cardinals teach us to be loyal in our relationships, work through differences, and collaborate to create a home environment that is nurturing.
- Cardinals model the importance of embracing your unique gifts and working with others. Each parent has their roles and responsibilities and together they collaborate incredibly well.
- Let our voices be heard
- Take time to celebrate what’s going right in our lives.
- We need to trust our instincts and our intuition. The male cardinal doesn’t hide in winter. He shows off his bright colors and trusts his innate gifts of alertness and awareness to protect himself and his mate.
- Be observant. Notice the world around us.
- Look out for our partners and families and be there for them.
See my blog post on Cardinal Animal Symbolism here.
House Finch
Finches, in general, symbolize happiness and energetic times ahead. This is because they come in a variety of bright colors – yellow, red, purple. Finches also represent adaptability, freedom, vulnerability and good fortune.
House Finch Message: House finches specifically symbolize harmony in life. They remind us that even if life is particularly difficult at present that we need to hang in there because good times are just around the corner.
Check out my blog post on House Finches here.

Carolina Wren
Whistle while you work. The busy wren is always doing something and it loves to sing – loud, strong and with delight. For such a tiny bird, it’s song is loud, clear and unmistakable.
Almost any time I’m outdoors, I’ll hear a wren singing and another one answering back from across the way.
Home is where you hang your hat. Male and female wrens work together rearing their young. Wrens will migrate wherever they wish at any time. They’re not married to one location, nor is the male married to one female. A male wren may build four nests to increase his odds of finding a mate. He’ll find a new mate for each mating season.
Carolina Wren Message: Sing out loud, sing out strong. Be yourself. Be flexible, adaptable and resourceful. Go with the flow of life.
Did you notice a pattern of communication? Whether it’s the Pine Warbler and Chickadee’s pleasant song, or the loud call of the Blue Jay’s warning, the song of the Cardinal, or the loud, distinct call of the Carolina Wren, or the Woodpecker’s drumbeat and song – they all teach us that our voices matter. Sing out loud and strong!
These birds teach us to use our voices to celebrate, to warn, to communicate, to collaborate, and influence. Share your feelings, express yourself. Let go of worrying about what other people think and let yourself be seen and heard so your gifts and talents bless the world!
Influence Others
The Blue Jay, the Woodpeckers, House Finch, and the Cardinals show us how to brightly stand out and let our influence be seen and heard in the world. No timidity here!
Be Fearless
The Blue Jay and Kingbird show us how to be fearless. They stand up and protect what matters to them. Don’t mess with their peeps! They’re willing to fight for what matters. Chickadee and Cardinal, too, will do what it takes to defend their nests.
Curiosity, Intelligence, Resourcefulness and Adaptability
The squirrel and the Blue Jay are particularly intelligent and curious. The Carolina Wren is known for its resourcefulness and adaptability as is the squirrel. The Cowbird, Cardinal and Pine Warbler remind us to utilize and expand our gifts and talents.
The squirrel and the Carolina Chickadee remind us to prepare for the future and sock away for a rainy day.
Angels Are On Your Side
Cardinals with their angel connections and cowbirds with their symbolism of spiritual exploration remind us that we are not alone. We have heavenly help on our side.
Be Joyful and Happy!
Chickadee, cowbirds, house finches, and Carolina wrens remind us to be joyful and happy. Look for the good in life. It is all around us!
I don’t know about you, but I really needed these messages. They are very fitting for where I am in my life. Isn’t nature wonderful? Isn’t God gracious in broadcasting these important messages to us through our bird and animal friends?
Want to sing your Soul Song and share your talents and gifts with the world? Let’s talk! Hop on my calendar for a FREE 20-minute strategy session.