An Interview with Late Boneset – aka Late Blooming Thoroughwart

An Interview with Late Boneset – aka Late Blooming Thoroughwart

Late blooming thoroughwart or late boneset is a medicinal herb used for centuries in traditional medicine and herbalism. It’s native to North America (predominantly in the Eastern part of the United States) and is in the Asteraceae family. We have some late boneset that are a foot taller than me, and I’m 5’10”! Late boneset…

Interview with Goldenrod: The Secret to Joy and Successful Collaboration
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Interview with Goldenrod: The Secret to Joy and Successful Collaboration

This morning, I felt God calling me to interview the goldenrod that adorns nearly an acre of our field.

I wasn’t sure what the goldenrod would share with me, but after sitting with it for a spell, I began to see rich symbolism that taught me a lot about where joy comes from and how to collaborate to bring more joy to the world around us. I think you’ll find this fascinating. I really learned a lot from my interview with Goldenrod!

Interview with a Rosebush: Lessons in Creativity

Interview with a Rosebush: Lessons in Creativity

I’ve been feeling God telling me to do interviews. At first, I assumed he meant people, and then yesterday He said, “go interview that rosebush about creativity.” What? Interview a rosebush? How do I interview a rosebush about creativity? Who am I to argue with the Lord? I walked over to the rosebush and struck…

Are You an Inspired Creative?

Are You an Inspired Creative?

Inspired Creatives are the pollinators of the world – they flit about exploring possibilities and bring life, joy, and beauty wherever they go. They may think they aren’t “doing” or “accomplishing” anything, but with some acceptance of themselves, an understanding of their personalities, and a few tools and accountability, they can not only spread joy,…

On Being “Good Enough”

On Being “Good Enough”

Do you tend to play a savior role in other people’s lives? Jumping in to prevent train wrecks you see coming that other people can’t see? Many of my clients over the years have struggled with self-worth and valuing themselves. They often wrestle with perfectionism, feeling like what they create will never be “good enough.”…