A Marriage of Conservation and Conservativism

An Empathic Encounter with Mother Earth

What I learned from my empathic encounter with Mother Earth which could revolutionize the way we heal the earth and ourselves. While spending some time at the Airport Mesa in Sedona, Arizona, I had a unique experience connecting with Mother Earth. This rather empathic encounter with the earth enlightened me about our symbiotic relationship. What…

sandhill crane animal symbolism - sandhill crane call with music
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Sandhill Crane Animal Symbolism

Sandhill cranes mate for life (or until their mate dies). They are very devoted to one another and model the ideal romantic relationship. They are a good symbol for a happy marriage. Sandhill cranes have a distinct trumpeting call. It sounds like a combination of the chirp of a trumpet mixed with a little rattle…

Why Rest and Rejuvenation Improves Creativity

Why Frequent Rest and Rejuvenation Improves Creativity

Many of us were reared with the philosophy, “put your nose to the grindstone and push, push, push.” Whether you were reared that way or worked in this type of company culture, you may have come to believe that rest and recreation only come after the job is completed. Rest is something you must earn…

Rebecca Clark of Move Your Desk Podcast interviews Marnie Pehrson Kuhns about Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature

Sacred Nature

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Rebecca Clark for her “Move Your Desk” podcast, and it was a delightful experience. Rebecca is a great interviewer. We had never spoken before the camera started rolling so it was a fun off-the-cuff conversation that explored everything from creativity and following inspired ideas to photography, nature…

It’s a Partnership: Learning from the Earth and Nature Through the Spirit
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It’s a Partnership: Learning from the Earth and Nature Through the Spirit

The earth isn’t something beneath us to be fixed. It’s our partner in healing. Together with the earth and our Creator we can heal ourselves and nature. My husband, Dave, and I had the opportunity to present about how we partner with and learn from nature as part of the “In the Company of Stewards”…