Attention iNtuitives (Meyers-Briggs NF’s, NT’s):
“Embrace Your Creative Genius and Maintain Momentum
on What You Feel God Calling You to Be or Do”
If you’re an iNtuitive on the Meyers-Briggs 16 Personalities, you have a rare and powerful gift. You can see beyond the surface, imagine the future, and create something amazing. You’re not like most people, who are stuck in the mundane, the boring, and the predictable.
- You’re a visionary, an innovator, and a trailblazer.
- You love to learn new things, challenge the status quo, and discover hidden connections.
- You’re drawn to topics that stimulate your mind, such as philosophy, psychology, or spirituality.
- You’re always looking for ways to grow and improve yourself.
But being an iNtuitive also comes with some challenges.
- You may feel out of place or misunderstood by the majority of people, who are more practical and conventional.
- You may struggle with the details, the rules, or the routine of everyday life.
- You may also have trouble managing your finances, organizing your space, or maintaining your belongings.
- You’re more flexible, spontaneous, and adventurous than most people, but that also means you’re more likely to change your mind or plans based on new insights or opportunities.
iNtuitives are a minority in the world, according to the Meyers Briggs theory (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, INTJ, INTP, ENTP, ENTJ). Only about 25% of people have this preference for intuition over sensing. That’s why it’s so important for you to find your tribe, your community, your purpose and learn to work WITH your personality and uniqueness instead of forcing yourself to create the way the other 75% of the world does. What works for them isn’t going to work for you most of the time.
When you learn to work in harmony with your creative cycle and your moods,
you have an amazing power to accomplish your goals and desires!
When you understand your creative cycle, your personality, and learn to work with them, you can stop feeling bad about unfinished projects. You can release the guilt for not making the progress you envision.
Most importantly, you will come to love yourself for who you are and see the beauty in the way God created you!
That’s why I’ve created my …
“iNtuitive Momentum Circles”
Group Training, Coaching and Accountability Program
Especially for iNtuitives!
Imagine unlocking your creative potential and sharing it with the world! That’s what this group program will help you achieve.

I’m Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, author of “Trust Your Heart: Spirit-Led Business” and 32 other fiction and nonfiction titles. Over the last 34 years, I have helped thousands of people over the last 34 years go for their dreams. Whether it was helping them build businesses, write books or go for the life of their dreams.
In my iNtuitive Moment Circles, you’ll have access to:
- Live 1-on-1 Group Coaching and Consulting with me. You’ll be able to bring your questions to the group and get input and ideas for your next best steps.
- Regular accountability and expert support. Cut down on the overwhelm because you’ll have regular accountability and somewhere to go to get ideas, input, and answers from a seasoned expert and your fellow iNtuitives in the group.
- Keep your momentum going! You’ll never be stuck for long because we’ll keep your momentum going with accountability, consulting, and energy work.
- Enjoy the acceptance, acknowledgement, connection and community with other iNtuitives who understand you and support you on your journey.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join a community of iNtuitives like you!
iNtuitive Momentum Circles
LIVE Sessions are held via Zoom
on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
at 4:00 pm ET / 3:00 pm CT / 2:00 pm MT / 1:00 pm PT
Ready to Unleash Your Brilliance and Do What You Are Feeling Called to Do?
Option 1: Momentum Circles
Group Sessions – $49/month
Option 2: Momentum Circles Plus
Group Support Plus One 50-minute Private Coaching Session Each Month – $100/month
For the price of one regular private session, you receive the Momentum Circles Group free!
Your payment method will be autobilled monthly. You may cancel at any time. Just contact me at or text me before your monthly billing date. I’ll give you my cell phone number when you enroll.