What Is Your Core Sacred Self™
In my book, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature,” I coined the term the “Core Sacred Self™” to refer to:

“the divine spark God has planted within each of us that allows us to have peace, feel God’s love, and to communicate with Him. It is the light given to every human being who enters this world. I’ve discovered that the more I operate from my Core Sacred Self™, the more peaceful and patient I am. The more I live from my Core Sacred Self, the more accepting I am of others and the less judgmental I am. The Core Sacred Self is wired for love, peace, and joy. Chapter 6 will dive deeper into the nature of the Core Sacred Self, but for now, you can think of it as your spirit. It’s the part of you that is eternal. It’s the part that Ecclesiastes 12:7 says came from God and will return to God when our mortal bodies return to the dust…”
Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature“
You can think of your Core Sacred Self™ as below the surface of your emotions, thoughts, bodily responses, programs, beliefs, habits, and instincts. A nature analogy I like for it is the Sacred Lotus. You can flick water on a Sacred Lotus and it doesn’t stick. It may rest there for a bit, but it isn’t absorbed by the lotus pad. It will eventually evaporate or roll off.

“Just as the lotus is below the water flicked on it, your Core Sacred Self™ is simply a container or a platform for which your mind, emotions, thoughts, bodily sensations, and observations reside.
Your Core Sacred Self™ is an awareness that stands back and observes these things. It can notice what you’re thinking. It can be aware of emotions. It can observe what’s happening around you. The Core Sacred Self can see whether you have a program that’s kicking in or a habit pattern that is being triggered. At the root, your Core Sacred Self™ is CHOICE. It can choose whether to let your thoughts rile up your emotions. It can choose what thoughts to entertain and which to release. From the level of your Core Sacred Self, you can release old programs and habit patterns.
Most of us don’t realize we have a Core Sacred Self™, much less operate from it. Our minds and emotions are running the show. Our egos are in control. The “natural man” has the helm.
Everything changes for the better when we align with our Core Sacred Selves™. When we live from the divine spirit God placed within us, we’re living from the light that is given to every man and woman. This is a powerful, aligned, and confident way to live.”
Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature“