Are You an iNtuitive? The World Needs You!
Are you an iNtuitive in the Meyers Briggs personality theory (INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP, INTJ, INTP, ENTP, ENTJ)? If you are, you might relate to some of these traits. iNtuitives are people who prefer to focus on the big picture, the possibilities, and the future. They are imaginative, creative, and visionary. They like to explore new ideas, challenge assumptions, and seek patterns. iNtuitives are often drawn to abstract concepts, such as philosophy, psychology, or spirituality. They enjoy learning new things and expanding their horizons.

iNtuitives are not very interested in the details, the facts, or the routine. They may find it hard to follow rules, schedules, or procedures. They may also struggle with practical matters, such as finances, organization, or maintenance. iNtuitives tend to be more spontaneous, flexible, and adaptable than their sensing counterparts. They are willing to take risks and try new things. They are also more likely to change their minds or plans based on new information or insights.
iNtuitives make up about 25% of the population, according to the Meyers Briggs theory. They are often misunderstood or overlooked by the more common sensing types, who value realism, stability, and tradition. iNtuitives may feel like they don’t fit in or belong in the mainstream society. They may also feel lonely or isolated from others who don’t share their vision or enthusiasm.
iNtuitives have a lot to offer the world. They are the innovators, the inventors, the dreamers, and the leaders. They can inspire others with their passion and optimism. They can create original solutions and breakthroughs that benefit humanity. They can also enrich their own lives and the lives of others with their curiosity and imagination.
iNtuitives are the Pollinators of the world. They love learning and tend to flit from one interest or learning opportunity to another. Many iNtuitives feel like they don’t quite fit into a society that puts a high value on achieving, completing, and conforming. But just like pollinators, iNtuitives are essential for the world’s survival! They are the inspiration, hope and/or joy spreaders!
Are you an iNtuitive (aka Pollinator) who feels called to do or create something special in the world? Do you struggle with knowing where to start or how to stay focused on transforming your ideas into reality? If you’d like to work with your personality and the way God created you instead of forcing yourself to work against it, my consulting, mentoring, and accountability could be a great match for you. My clients learn to tap into their ability to receive Divine inspiration and work with their creative cycles, their personalities, and their moods to bring their ideas into reality. If you’re interested, let’s talk!