About Marnie Pehrson Kuhns

MarniePehrson Kuhns is a bestselling author of 33 titles and a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who blends her 33+ years of entrepreneurship and business consulting, nature observation, photography, and music to mentor her clients’ past barriers, fears and doubts to greater levels of peace, joy, and fulfillment in their daily lives.
Marnie primarily works with iNtuitives on the Meyers Briggs 16Personalities test who feel like God is calling them to do or create something, but they either don’t know where to start or are having trouble staying on task and following through. If you’d like to work with your personality and the way God created you instead of forcing yourself to work against it, Marnie’s training, consulting, mentoring, accountability and community could be a great match for you. Marnie’s clients learn to work with their creative cycles, their personalities and their moods to bring their ideas into reality.
Marnie is the author of “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” and “Trust Your Heart: Spirit-Led Business.” She and her husband, Dave, live in Northwest Georgia on Spirit Tree Farms where they grow native plants and trees, explore nature symbolism, and conduct retreats that help people find peace in and connect with nature. It’s a great place to step out of the world’s commotion so you can relax, create, write and commune with nature.
Dave and Marnie also speak on Partnering with the Earth, Finding Peace, and Living in Sacred Nature. Please contact us if you’d like us to speak to your group.
Wow! I love how Marnie never wastes any good thought, idea, or comment. She scoops it up and uses it for something good and to benefit others…what a gift she has!
Carolyn Cooper, Creator of the SimplyALIGN Method™
The “Creation Girl” Philosophy
All of nature is broadcasting messages from our Creator. Are we listening? Are we observing? Are we expressing our own unique Soul’s Song he placed in us?
Hi! I’m Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, “The Creation Girl,” and I believe that all of Creation sings the song of the Creator. Every plant, animal, rock, tree and person is an expression of the Creator’s Magnus Opus. Each one of us has a part to sing in the cosmic grand symphony of all that is. Your individual creativity is you playing your part in the Opus. When we are truly ourselves, we’re less likely to hit sour notes and better able to harmonize with those around us – including the Earth.
Because animals, plants, herbs, trees, rivers and mountains simply are what they were created to be – without question, without second guessing — they model how to be our True Selves. By observing nature, and by bringing nature elements into our lives and bodies, our frequency and resonance shifts in a positive way. We align, blend with, and harmonize with Creation’s Song. In doing so, we discover our own Soul’s Song and step into the beautiful rhythm of the Creator’s Magnus Opus.
We are not alone in this Universe. We are all in this together – and the Creator’s Song flows through us all. Our quest as humans is to accept and own the various parts and pieces of ourselves, bring them into harmony with our Soul’s Song, and release what no longer serves us (limiting beliefs, trauma, misperceptions that have built up over a lifetime).
Creation Girl inspires you to align with your Core Sacred Self (the divine part of you that is wired for peace, love and joy). I blog my experiences, post insights and nature photography, and hopefully inspire you to connect with your Soul’s Song. I share ideas help you hear the messages the Creator is sending you so you can find greater love, joy, peace and fulfillment in life.
Marnie’s Most Popular Books
- Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature
- Trust Your Heart: Spirit-Led Business
- Confidence Rising! Trust Your Heart. Be Yourself. Bless Lives.
- Restoring Liberty: Personal Freedom & Responsibility in America,
- Light the World: How Your Brilliance Can Shift the Planet
- Trust Your Heart: Transforming Your Ideas Into Income,
- Trust Your Heart: Building Relationships That Build Your Business, and
- You’re Here for a Reason: Discover & Live Your Purpose.
- An Uncertain Justice
- Angel and the Enemy
- The Patriot Wore Petticoats
More About Marnie
Marnie Pehrson Kuhns is a Certified SimplyAlign Practitioner™ who blends her 33+ years of business acumen, nature observation, photography and music to mentor you past barriers, fears and doubts to discover, create and deliver your soul’s song (the mission, message or purpose you are on this earth to live).
She is the creator of Spirit ModulationTM, a unique blend of mind-spirit-body alignment, music therapy, and consulting that helps you harmonize your mind, body and spirit with your Divine mission and vision.
Marnie is also a bestselling author. Her signature work is, “Finding Peace in a Turbulent World: Living in Sacred Nature” along with the accompanying “Living in Sacred Nature Journal/Planner” and affirmation card deck, free online course and coaching program. Click here for details.
Marnie is a mother of 6 and grandmother to 6 who started her own business back in May of 1990. She’s published 33 titles including Southern fiction, inspirational Christian and business books. Her book, Trust Your Heart: Spirit-Led Business explains how Heaven is broadcasting answers and ideas to help you solve your most perplexing problems and how you can align yourself with the answers that are meant for you.
Her latest fiction release is a sci-fi Christian novel, Z: A Dystopian Millennium Novel. If you’ve been worrying about the present and future state of the world, Z will give you hope for the future.
Marnie believes you are here to express something that is uniquely you in the world — whether it’s in your daily interactions with family and friends, in a book, through music or art, or a business. You matter!
The world needs you and your gifts! Marnie’s mission is to help you tap into and share your uniqueness in a way that is right for you.
Marnie is a Certified SimplyALIGNTM Practitioner who helps her clients step bravely into their creativity and legacy by releasing the limiting beliefs, trauma and old stories of the past.
For those interested in writing books, Marnie offers training on book writing, publishing, and marketing.
In her private consulting she offers a unique combination of practical wisdom with the ability to help her clients get past the emotional and mental barriers to success.
Marnie and her husband, David Kuhns, live in Northwest Georgia on Spirit Tree Farms where they grow native plants and trees, explore nature symbolism, and conduct retreats that help others find peace in and connect with nature. It’s a great place to step out of the world’s commotion so you can relax, create, write and commune with nature. Marnie and Dave also speak on Partnering with the Earth, Finding Peace, and Living in Sacred Nature. Please contact us if you’d like us to speak to your group.
Our goal is to help others integrate nature into their daily lives, see our Creator’s messages in the world around them, and make inner peace a consistent part of life so that they can find greater levels of fulfillment and purpose.
Marnie’s background includes:
- 33 years in business as a work-at-home mom to six children,
- 33 years of technical background as a computer trainer, consultant, and systems and training developer
- 29 years of online marketing experience,
- 29 years of content creation and education marketing
- 29 years of web design experience
- 12 years as a certified SimplyAlign™ Practitioner, helping clients get past the emotional & mental barriers to success.
To set up a free 20-minute strategy session with Marnie, click here. Marnie may also be reached by email at marnie@marniekuhns.com.